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  • Reiki


    Reiki is a spiritual/healing system discovered by a Japanes called Misao Usui.
    He went to a mountain to vast and meditatie for one week in search of spiritual fulfilment. After about one week he experienced Énlightment’, but when he returned he discovered that his hands had healing power.

    He introduced a ‘new’way of getting acces to healing energy, the sytem uses initiations (3 in total), quite short (about 1 minut per initiation) by use of symbols or mantras.

    The uniqueness of this system is that you can give direct treatment and distant healing without loosing your own energy. You use the Universal love energy. In fact when you treat somebody else (you can heal yourself aswell) you don’t do anything by yourself, you connect with the energy and let the energy take control and guidance of the treatment.

    Due to meditations, now you can find many “new”Reiki systems, most of them are used to cure other people. In my opinion the system was designed for self healing resulting in Ënlightment”. If you look at a search engine and type Reiki, hundreds of links will appear.

    I think initially, qigong was a regular practice of the system, but most practitioners hardly use them, only meditations. I think the core of the system is the Gassho meditation, you put your hands in a praying position in front of chest, almost at throat level, and concentrate on the tips of your middle fingers. This meditation should be done 15 to 30 minutes each morning and evening.
    Besides that the’re the 5 Reiki principles, which seems to aim for the same goal as the 10 Shaolin laws.



  • #2
    Thanks for that Ruud.

    Sifu Andrew Barnett
    Shaolin Wahnam Switzerland -

    Flowing Health GmbH (Facebook:
    Healing Sessions with Sifu Andrew Barnett - in Switzerland and internationally
    Heilbehandlungen mit Sifu Andrew Barnett - in der Schweiz und International

