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  • #61
    Originally posted by parrapiti View Post
    Dear All!

    I have been practicing internal martial arts only for some years, but have been involved in negotiations and negotiation trainings for a long time. Reading this thread has been wonderful - thank you all! The content discussed is truly interesting, the concepts that have been used in this "friendly written sparring" have lots for all of us to learn and explore in depth - Thank you again!

    Most interesting though, from my perspective, has been the interaction (the negotiation...). Many were brave to go into confrontation and openly generate "good conflict", defending their views with passion. And the best was the capacity of most to then de-escalate the conflict galantly - an excellent trademark of good martial artists and good negotiators.

    I only disagree completely with Steve´s entry (#42). In my eyes, this has been a wonderful example of a "win-win" interaction!

    Hopefully I will also be invited to share a cup of tea...

    Hello Sifu Piti Parra Duque ,

    It would be a pleasure also to share a cup of tea with you. If your ever in NYC please let me know. My email is


    • #62
      Thank you very much, dear brother! The invitation is reciprocal - be my guest when visiting Colombia!



      • #63
        Originally posted by drop360 View Post
        Sifu McIlwrath,

        I am happy to hear that you'll stick around and contribute to Wing Chun threads! Personally, I know nothing of Wing Chun, so any and all threads should be interesting. I'm curious to see how different styles do things.

        One basic peice of advice when it comes to Wing Chun.That its very,very,very important to have a strong understanding and skill of the basics of the system which enclude the theory as well.With out that one should not move ahead to fast( advanced training IMO) because at some point you'll have to return to re-learn and re-do what should have been done before. Wing Chun looks simple and it is,but it's very hard to master.It takes many years to master it and understand it's deeps. The sets in Wing Chun are not based on I do this and he does that.Another words the movements are not ment to be taken as actual fighting sequances,but like the letters of the alfabet.Once you learn the letters you can use them to create many fighting situations.This saves training time and simpifies and personalizes the system to each person.

        There are four basic types of actions in Wing Chun (there are other also) Suck,spit,float,sink each one counters they other.If you try to float say my punch I might use sinking power to counter you and so on.
        Last edited by stonecrusher69; 8 May 2009, 08:47 PM.


        • #64
          Originally posted by parrapiti View Post
          Thank you very much, dear brother! The invitation is reciprocal - be my guest when visiting Colombia!

          Yes, Thank you. I'll let you know when I'm in your country. How is the MA seen in Colombia? Is there many schools and styles available?

          Nice talking with you



          • #65
            Dear Sifu McIlwrath,

            I, too, am pleased you have decided to continue to share and discuss here. Your last post but one is most interesting. I was wondering, though, if you might consider it more beneficial to discuss its contents in a separate thread (being the title of this thread is related to Root).

            By the way, I also see your user title (not user name) is still "Registered User". So that our visitors have a better idea of who is posting, would you mind if we change your user title to something more appropriate? If so, please see the thread at:

            Thank you.
            Sifu Andrew Barnett
            Shaolin Wahnam Switzerland -

            Flowing Health GmbH (Facebook:
            Healing Sessions with Sifu Andrew Barnett - in Switzerland and internationally
            Heilbehandlungen mit Sifu Andrew Barnett - in der Schweiz und International


            • #66
              Originally posted by Andrew View Post
              Dear Sifu McIlwrath,

              I, too, am pleased you have decided to continue to share and discuss here. Your last post but one is most interesting. I was wondering, though, if you might consider it more beneficial to discuss its contents in a separate thread (being the title of this thread is related to Root).

              By the way, I also see your user title (not user name) is still "Registered User". So that our visitors have a better idea of who is posting, would you mind if we change your user title to something more appropriate? If so, please see the thread at:

              Thank you.

              Hello Sifu Andrew Barnett ,

              Sure, we can discuss this in another thread. If you like you can start a new thread asking some questions and we'll start from there.

              Yes it's fine to change my user title to Sifu Michael Mc Ilwrath. I'll take a look at your link.


              • #67
                Dear Sifu Mc Ilwrath,

                I have changed your user title. Please check if it fits.

                Thank you.
                Sifu Andrew Barnett
                Shaolin Wahnam Switzerland -

                Flowing Health GmbH (Facebook:
                Healing Sessions with Sifu Andrew Barnett - in Switzerland and internationally
                Heilbehandlungen mit Sifu Andrew Barnett - in der Schweiz und International


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Andrew View Post
                  Dear Sifu Mc Ilwrath,

                  I have changed your user title. Please check if it fits.

                  Thank you.
                  Hello Sifu Andrew Barnett,

                  Yes, thank you. It's fine.

