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Ghostbusting: How to deal with a spirit in your home.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by PhilH View Post
    The drinks George is referring to are a little like absinthe - drinking absinthe inspired Van Gogh to paint the image above - and cut off an ear!
    Close, except that Absinthe is about 70% proof, whereas Polish Pure is 95% (I think - never tried the latter myself).

    Tell you what though, if Van Gogh drank Absinthe in glasses the size of the one in the picture then I'm surprised he ever managed to paint anything!
    Last edited by George; 15 September 2006, 08:08 AM.
    George / Юра
    Shaolin Wahnam England

    gate gate pāragate pārasaṁgate bodhi svāhā


    • #17
      Originally posted by George View Post
      They also don't sell guns quite so openly here.
      Darn! You beat me to that one George! Wasn't there a bank in the US that was giving away a free handgun when you opened a bank account with them? ..but I digress

      Personally, I was actually serious when I said about seeing a pharmacist. If they can't sell it to you they'll no doubt be able to advise you where to buy it

      tip: when lighting your rubbing alcolhol resist the temptation to 'lean in' - I don't know about you but I like my eyebrows where they are
      "It's no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help". from the song The Fly by U2


      • #18
        Anthony Siheng,

        There has been real sychronicity for me in you starting this thread.

        Recently, I asked Sifu what I needed to practice for the upcoming Tai Chi Chuan review course. His reply was "All you need is a smiling heart". I was very pleased to have been accepted and it also led to me looking at how well my "smiling from the heart" was going.

        What came out of it is a long present and past story. However, wthout the details, I realised I was "haunted" and frightened by my dead Granny. As a result of reading your thread and Sifu's words I figured it was time to address this "blockage". I was also led to this Q&A, I think via a post Joko made.

        Sifu talks about a "heart-monster", an imaginary presence that creates fear in your heart. I realised that "granny" was both a presence and someone around whom I had created a fear in my heart.

        As part of my practice now I am incorporating both what Sifu suggested to you and what he suggested in his Q&A. So, at the beginning of my practice I chant to Guan Shi Yin. In standing meditation at the end I use Sifu's Q&A suggestion, and when blessing I send out a blessing to my Granny for her to find peace. It seems to be working for me and I think is going to make a real difference in many aspects of my life. I am also incorporating a bit more Sinew Metamorphosis in my practice.

        It feels right but if anyone has any suggestions about how better to combine these things or any problems with combining them I would be grateful to hear.


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        • #19
          I find the apparent differences in approach to ghosts between the Eastern and Western traditions interesting. For those of you in the U.S. (I'm sure there are similar TV shows elsewhere), there is a show that comes on Discovery channel on Thursday nights, I think, called "A Haunting", and it details true stories of people who have worked at or lived in a haunted place. Sometimes, it seems as though the ghost (or ghosts) is just a troubled spirit, but other times, it seems as though it is downright evil/demonic. (An example is causing family members to get into bad car accidents.)

          What usually happens is that the haunted people bring in a psychic and a Catholic priest and ultimately, a cleansing of the building and sometimes an exorcism are performed (if a spirit possesses someone). The success rate (at least of the stories on the show) seems to be about 50%. Often, the spirits will "go away" for a little while, and things will be ok for a few months, but then the hauntings will start again. Sometimes, families feel they are out of options and abandon their home, in some cases leading them to declare bankruptcy.

          Reading this thread, it seems that the only way to really "de-haunt" a place is to help the spirit go somewhere better. But it can't be forced -it has to realize that where ever it goes is better. The approach shown in "A Haunting" (not sure if the Catholic church has other approaches or not) is always to forceably try to drive the spirits away against their wills. Instead of helping the spirits move along, it is an Us vs. Them battle.

          So my questions are:

          Are there times when the "gentle" approach does not work and something more forceful is required?

          Are "evil" spirits to be treated differently than "harmless" ones?

          Is it possible that if a spirit is dead set on staying somewhere, that it can never be moved?

          And finally, I've heard of some areas that are considered to be "gateways" for spirits, meaning that these areas happen to be places where spirits enter the human realm. One example is a Native American burial ground that has been disturbed (for instance, a house is built on top of it). So even if you help the current spirits along, there is a good chance that more will follow. Does Buddhism/Taoism address this and can such gateways be closed? Would that even be a good idea?
          Chris Didyk
          Shaolin Wahnam USA

          Thank You.


          • #20
            My ghostly experience

            I had an experience with something supernatural once recently at a friends house. We were standing outside his front room (which was dark) talking, when i saw a flash of light in there out of the corner of my eye! When I looked into the room for a moment I statrted seeing something like white light dripping from the top of the doorframe ! I said to my friend I could see something very strange in his front room and he said that he sees wierd things all the time around his house! I asked him what sort of things and he said that he sometimes sees stuff dripping from the doorframes! I also felt a chill as we were talking at certain points. I dont really know what it was exactly, but it was certainly strange. When I go there on Sunday I will do some chanting for any spirits that may be lurking!



            • #21
              Bad Dream.....

              Hi forum, long time no see Its strange that I was the last person to post on this thread 2 years ago, and now here I am posting on it again! Please forgive me admins if you feel this is inappropriate for whatever reason, and deal with it as you see fit.
              Well basically I am sitting here in bed at 5.45 am unable to sleep because of a disturbing episode I had. I had a bad dream, very vivid, in which there was an evil spirit surrounding my girlfriend, who was asleep next to me. I was very scared of loosing her, and woke up with her crying out my name because I was holding her wrist VERY tightly and was hurting her....
              We talked about it and both felt there was something very strange in the room, we could both feel it. We talked about what it might be, and she remembered about a satanic book that her ex had left in the house, and asked me if I would get rid of it for her.... It turned out to be in the bookcase, under my Buddhist shrine!! She seemed very worried that she can only now remember putting it there in the first place.... I took it outside and put it straight in the bin. She also has a satanic bible in here somewhere..... which we are going to hunt down and dispose of later. Furthermore, and I don't know what could be the cause, but she also lives right opposite a jewish cemetery.... I don't know how old it is..... She then told me about some experiences she had as a child when she had inadvertently lived in a house on a Native American burial grounds, and various scary/spooky things that had happened there.....
              I have been chanting, I immediately offered some incense to the Buddha on my shrine and prostrated, and we are planning on buying some sage to clear any bad spirits in the house.
              The thing I am mostly worried about is though, will these exercises for clearing ghosts and spirits work if there is some demonic/satanic work at play here? That book really unnerved me and we have yet to get rid of a Satanic Bible....
              I hope that we were just spooked and will just get over it, but it isn't like me to have dreams like that, and I am really scared about having hurt her like that while we were sleeping..... Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


              Namo Ami Tuo Fo


              • #22
                Hello brother,
                I understand that in Buddhism there are some specific mantras and sutras that deal directly with demonic beings. Based on my own understanding praying to Guan Yin should be enough and your internal force should take care of things provided you let go of the fear and worry first.

                This isn't my area of expertise but I hope it helps.

                Warmest regards,


                I pay homage to all the great masters of the past and the present


                • #23
                  Hey Phil,

                  Boy do I have a whole arsenal of mantras for you.

                  Kuan Yin

                  I believe Ray is correct in saying that praying to Kuan Yin should be enough. Chanting her great mantra, Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa, usually produces a feeling of calm within me in minutes.

                  Remember, when you chant Kuan Yin's mantra, you essentially cry out to her for help. Because she has promised to resolve problems of any kind (and I mean any kind), she will always answer your call. Being an extremely powerful Bodhisattva, demons and ghosts are child-play to her.


                  There is also a powerful Vedic mantra to remove ghosts or the fear of unwanted spirits. This mantra comes from Shiva, one of the main deities in Hinduism. This mantra is presented in the book Healing Mantras, by Thomas-Ashley Farrand.

                  OM Apa-Sarpantu Tae Bhuta Yei Bhuta Bhuvi Sam-stitaha Yei Bhuta Vigna Kartara Stei Gachantu Shiva Ajnaya

                  (Om Ah-Pah-Sahr-Pahn-Too Teh Boota Yay Boota Boo-vee Sahm-stee-tah-ha Yay Bootah Vig-Nah Kar-Tah-Rah Stei Gah-Chahn-Too Shee-Vah Ahj-Nah-Yah)

                  "May the spirits that are haunting this area leave and never return by the order of Shiva."

                  This Shiva mantra commands that spirits or beings who are not in their proper place to return to their correct plane of consciousness. I haven't had any ghost hauntings, so I don't know how effective this mantra is. Try it out if you'd like.


                  Durga is an exquisite and beautiful divine goddess to behold. But when you look closer at her, you see that something is off... she is riding a fierce and powerful tiger. Looking even closer, you notice that she has a hundred different arms, each with a different battle weapon. Vedic stories describe her as beautiful to the devotee of truth and terrible to the demonic force that attempts to harm good people who place their trust in her.

                  In another thread, I mentioned that Durga and Chamundi mantras are useful in battling and conquering demons. These demons can come from within (such as lack of self-confidence, personal fears, etc.) or from without, as in the case of hauntings. This mantra is also useful in protecting oneself from external harm and danger.

                  Durga mantra:

                  Om Dum Durgayaei Namaha

                  (Om Doom Door-Gah-Yay Nah-mah-hah)

                  "Salutations to She who is beautiful to the seeker of truth and terrible in appearance to those whole injure devotees of truth."


                  Narasimha is an avatar of Vishnu. According to Vedic myth, whenever evil becomes unconquerable, an incarnation of the Divine will come and save Earth. Narasimha was one such incarnation.

                  There was a demon ruler that was so powerful that he could not be defeated in battle. It was said that "he could not be defeated by day or night, nor by man nor beast. Nor could he be defeated indoors or outdoors."

                  Out of great compassion, Vishnu came to Earth as Narasimha, half-man and half-lion. When he found the demon, Narasimha grabbed him and began to speak:

                  "It is twilight, neither day nor night. It is on the threshold of your dwelling, neither indoors nor outdoors. I am neither man nor beast. Therefore, I now destroy you." And he ripped the demon into pieces.

                  This mantra can destroy seemingly indestructible evil influences anywhere, whether on the astral plane or physical plane. However, when using this mantra, one has to have righteous internal attitude so that it does not rebound and harm the chanter. Vishnu is about love.

                  Narasimha Ta Va Da So Hum


                  Kind regards,


                  • #24
                    Moral of the story:

                    Dont collect Satanic memorabilia!
                    Sifu Andy Cusick

                    Shaolin Wahnam Thailand
                    Shaolin Qigong


                    Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

                    "a trained mind brings health and happiness"
                    - ancient wisdom


                    • #25
                      Thanks DarkCosmos, nice collection of mantras! They seem to be working, we haven't had any repeats of that night, and hopefully wont have any more! I am a lot more careful not to miss my daily services offering incense and chanting!


                      Namo Ammi Tuo Fo


                      • #26
                        Taoists used to have lots of ways to deal with bad spirits, they some times threw dog pee at the apparition to get it to back off, but generally they could trap a spirit in a box with a magical talisman, or dispel the spirit by covering a coin sword with chicken blood and putting a chi field around the sword. The spirit would be drawn in by the money in the coin sword, but the chi energized blood would get rid of the spirit. Most ghosts are friendly and should be helped if you can. The above advice is reserved for evil spirits that won't go away.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ninjagirl View Post
                          they some times threw dog pee at the apparition to get it to back off
                          Wow, I don't think I shall be keeping a vial of dog pee handy for any evil spirits any time soon!!
                          Interesting rituals though, where did you learn about them?



                          • #28
                            Do you believe in bad or evil spirits/ghosts.......?

                            I don't think there are bad or evil spirits, I believe that they are just considered bad or evil by our common consciousness. They may come from other dimensions, where "the world turns differently", they may be just want to make contact and/or are looking for help.

                            My autistic son when he was smaller, not understanding the rueles of social behavior, went to other children and started kicking them in their legs or kicking against their bikes. The other children considdered him evil but in fact he was just trying to make contact and wanting to play with them.

                            If you have such spirits around you, I believe it works very well if you send them blessings and let them know that if they are in need that they shall sincerely pray to the Bodhisattva Guan Yin and ask for help and they will be helped. You may also tell them that they may stay near you if they feel the need to do so but that they are kindly requested to not disturb your live as you try not to disturb theirs.
                            Thats what I do as soon as something like a spirit from an other dimension seems to appear.

                            He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.


                            • #29
                              I read about these rituals in a book titled 'Taoism' written by Eva Wong, I think it was published by Shambala Books. Anyways the Taoists would use gentler methods first, but if the spirit was genuinely evil, then they had to use harsher methods.

                              If anyone has ever seen the anime, Ranma 1/2, they had a episode where a evil oni was trapped in a box by a Taoist seal, the seal wore off after many years and the oni escaped. It was a fun episode, but it shows a little of how Taoist magical symbols/seals were supposed to work.


                              • #30
                                Dear Pat,

                                Originally posted by Kingmonkey View Post
                                I don't think there are bad or evil spirits, I believe that they are just considered bad or evil by our common consciousness
                                Yes, I agree brother. Rightly or wrongly, a very compassionate way of seeing things .

                                Originally posted by Kingmonkey View Post
                                My autistic son when he was smaller, not understanding the rueles of social behavior, went to other children and started kicking them in their legs or kicking against their bikes. The other children considdered him evil but in fact he was just trying to make contact and wanting to play with them.
                                Actually, this is how I try to initiate play with brothers and sisters at the London Kungfu class .

                                Seriously though, it’s incredible how much we can learn from our children. They are such a blessing in so many ways . I have learnt much in this way, and frequently remind myself not to judge and assess others based on my own ability and understanding.

                                Many blessing’s to you and your wonderful family Pat .

                                With my best wishes


