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What is "spirituality"?

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  • #46
    Dear Family,

    As usual, like genuine practice, spirituality, to me, is something beyond words. How can I explain what is the "sweet" flavor to someone that hasn't ever tried something sweet? It is just not possible. It is like an orgasm. Does everybody feel it the same way? How could you explain that feeling to someone?

    For me, spirituality is something related to practice. What do I mean by this? For example, if I am eating a banana, how do I know that I am experiencing the same taste about a banana than the rest of the people? I just can't.

    That is why I finally have experienced a "little bit" of my own spirituality: By practice.

    It is a child spiritual?

    Could we say that being spiritual is expressing your inner being?

    Thanks for all the answers. They are all very enriching.

    Shaolin Salute,



    • #47
      For me it's asking the question 'Who am I?' and understanding all that I am not, moving with love, & releasing the conditioning of fear.

      Easy in principle, but finding the self-belief balance - erm.. will get back to you on that one..


      • #48
        An approach I like comes from a leadership model named Theory U. It defines four stages of attention.

        The first, is called downloading, or I-in-me. I am in my thoughts, in my memories in my internal dialog and I am not even aware of being thinking.
        The second is named factual, you open your mind for new information, but are still in your own self. I-in-it
        The third is called empathy, where you open your heart and connect with others, feeling them and where they come from. I-in-you
        And the four, open your will, and let go, entering into stillness. From here you are in touch with the universe and allow yourself to listen. I-in now.

        Spirituality is about being here and now.

        from the heart,

        José Antonio


        • #49
          It is like it is

          See the reality like it is not like you think it is.
          May all beings be happy

          Shaolin Wahnam Germany


          • #50
            One Perspective:

            The Master - The Practice -The Goal

            Another Perspective:

            Say you want to travel from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur by airplane. You seat yourself on the plane and follow instructions. The Pilot knows how to get there, based on his extensive knowledge of the airborne routes. He has made the trip many times. The passengers, once they have booked their ticket, trust the Pilot to take them to their destination. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the flight, and follow any instructions the pilot might give over the loudspeaker.

            "Then how could chi kung overcome diseases where the cause is unknown or when there is no cure? The question is actually incorrect. The expressions "the cause is unknown" and "there is no cure" are applicable only in the Western medical paradigm. The expressions no longer hold true in the chi kung paradigm. In the chi kung paradigm the cause is known, and there is a cure."

            -Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit


            • #51
              We are always having a conversation or interaction... with ourselves, someone, our parents, our friends... even when we are asleep we have conversations... in a deeper level, with ourselves.

              Sometimes when we are alone, we are having a conversation and sounds like your mother, your father, your best friend, your sifu, sigung.

              Being Spiritual maybe is the conversation/interaction of the soul... No matter if you're happy, angry, sad, resigned, mad... if it is from the soul... then, you we are being spiritual.

              I guess we can only know that it is a spiritual momento when we can hear our own inner voice and no one else's voice



              • #52
                What a wonderful thread to start.

                I feel the essence of spirituality is the path to discovering the true nature of one's own 'heart/mind' and becoming one with Tao/God/Universe.

                We do this daily by pracitising the Shaolin Arts, guided by our Sifu. By smiling from the heart and just being.

                Much love to all Wahnam brothers and sisters.
                “So I say to you –
                This is how to contemplate our conditioned existence in this fleeting world:”

                “Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
                Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
                Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.”

                “So is all conditioned existence to be seen.”

                Thus spoke Buddha.


                • #53

                  "Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,
                  Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.

                  From the Tao Te Ching
                  “So I say to you –
                  This is how to contemplate our conditioned existence in this fleeting world:”

                  “Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
                  Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
                  Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.”

                  “So is all conditioned existence to be seen.”

                  Thus spoke Buddha.


                  • #54
                    I love the Tao Te Ching, the verses there and also in The art of war are precious gifts; although short and to the point, sometimes arcane they grow deeper and clearer every read through as ones practise(spirituality ) deepens.
                    When one door closes, another one opens.


                    • #55
                      Hi Omar,

                      You have said it all

                      Discovering the teachings convey an image of clouds blown away in the night sky to reveal the moon, the moon shines brighter and brighter until there is no distinction between the night sky and the brightness of the moon or the image which is being conveyed.

                      'The Complete Book of Zen' is such a treasure. In one book Sifu has covered so many teachings and in a way it represents "Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form ". You can find so much wisdom in everything, its all around and part of us and it reveals when you're doing no-thing yet be-in.

                      I remember being fascinated by the colour wheel in my art courses. When you look at the colour wheel there are distinct, separate colours and I would look at them as religions/teachings/people/objects=forms when you begin to spin the colour wheel the distinctions begin to fade away, there are no longer boundaries, and colours begin to merge and as the wheel is spun faster the colours are no longer separate colours but white and all together the wheel itself disappears=formless. Once you slow the wheel again the colours reappear along with the wheel.

                      Its truly a blessing we have access to so many teachings so we can peel away the layers and return to the origin-what an incredible journey we are going through individually and collectively.

                      Much love

                      “So I say to you –
                      This is how to contemplate our conditioned existence in this fleeting world:”

                      “Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
                      Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
                      Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.”

                      “So is all conditioned existence to be seen.”

                      Thus spoke Buddha.


                      • #56
                        What can overt spiritual activity do for me and my life, especially through the kwoon

                        since I can't do most of what we call Qigong activity because of my adherence to Islam. I don't want to insult my Lord by acting outside of His instructions because He may withhold some of His Love. Maybe I can't get benefit from this school at all!?


                        • #57
                          Qigong is not religious, you do not have to worry unnecessarily. Keep practicing, your Lord will be with you.
                          Engage and maintain joyful practice!

                          May all of you get the best benefits from what you do.

                          Anton Schmick
                          Shaolin Wahnam Germany Nord



                          • #58
                            Originally posted by cog View Post
                            since I can't do most of what we call Qigong activity because of my adherence to Islam. I don't want to insult my Lord by acting outside of His instructions because He may withhold some of His Love. Maybe I can't get benefit from this school at all!?

                            A selection of answers provided by Sifu Wong Kiew Kit to questions asked by the public on Shaolin Kungfu, Chi Kung, Taijiquan and Zen
                            Damian Kissey
                            Shaolin Wahnam Sabah , Malaysia .


                            • #59
                              Some of the Ummah say that Sufis count as forbidden innovation & I don't know whether or not this counts as foul slander or not, so I pray here now for guidance from the Real God that I do not offend him or minimize my mistakes :C

