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Middle Way Vs Yin-Yang Harmony

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  • Middle Way Vs Yin-Yang Harmony

    Dear Shaolin Wahnam Family,

    I was wondering what the differences and similarities exist between "The Middle Way" and "Yin-Yang Harmony".

    There is a beautiful definition of "The Middle Way" in one interesting Documentary about Shakyamuni Buddha's life:

    Fair goes the dancing when the Sitar is tuned.

    Tune us the Sitar neither high nor low,
    And we will dance away the hearts of men.

    But the string too tight breaks, and the music dies.

    The string too slack has no sound, and the music dies.

    There is a middle way.

    Tune us the Sitar neither low nor high.
    And we will dance away the hearts of men.
    If you click on this link, you will be taken to the part of the documentary where this analogy is explained with beautiful sound and images.

    Sitar and Middle Way.jpg
    Image Source

    The Treatise of Zhang San Feng beautifully describes "Yin-Yang Harmony":

    When yin and yang are in harmony, movement and stillness have become one, the four limbs and hundred meridians of your body will flow smoothly. There will be no energy stagnation and no physiological and psychological mal-functions.
    Yin-Yang Harmony.gif
    Image Source

    What are your thoughts on this? Do you think that ultimately "The Middle Way" and "Yin-Yang Harmony" aim to achieve the same Goal?

    With Love, Care and Shaolin Salute,
