Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 2
Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 2:
Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 2:
(Continued from Part 1)
We are indeed very lucky to have an incredible range of arts in our school. Our arts are both holistic and thematic. Any chi kung exercise can give us good health, vitality and longevity. Any kungfu set enables us to defend ourselves. This is the holistic aspect. On the other hand, some chi kung exercises are good at cleansing, whereas others are good at building. Some kungfu sets focus on striking, others focus on chin-na. This is the thematic aspect.
Your own examples show that you have benefitted both from the thematic and holistic aspects of various arts. Thematically, Bone Marrow Cleansing enables energy to flow at five different levels, but you also feel cleansed and stronger holistically. Thematically Sinew Metamorphosis generated a lot of internal force, but you also feel connected with everything holistically. Thematically Taijiquan is for combat, but you have spiritual experience holistically.
The hallmark of practicing Cosmic Shower is to experience a cascade of energy flowing down from the head through the body to the feet.
Its main benefits are to cleanse and to strengthen – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The energy which you tap from the cosmos clears your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockage.
For example, if you have an illness, clearing away your physical blockage will restore your good health. If you feel angry, clearing away your emotional blockage will make you peaceful. If you are confused, clearing away your mental blockage will enable you to think clearly. If you are afraid, clearing away your spiritual blockage will give you confidence.
The cosmic energy also strengthens you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You will feel physically stronger than before. You have better control over your emotions. Your mind is focus and fresh. You feel free and happy.
The differences between Cosmic Shower and other arts may be classified under the following headings – form, methodology, benefit and philosophy.
Cosmic Shower is a skill, and this skill of experiencing a shower of cosmic energy down our body can be induced by using different techniques, which have different form. The prototype exercise from which we draw inspiration for this art is called “Opening of Five Flowers”. This was a very advanced Taoist art performed while sitting in a lotus position.
In our case, we usually use “Lifting the Sky” or “Carrying the Moon” to induce a cosmic shower. The form of the techniques are very different. While the form of “Lifting the Sky” and “Carrying the Moon” are not the same, they are both basically dynamic patterns while standing at the same spot, raising and lowering both hands, which are very different from sitting quietly with eyes closed or half-closed in a lotus position.
The methodology to induce the cosmic shower is also different. In our case we use physical movement and breathing, whereas in the Taoist exercise practitioners in the past let energy accumulate at the lowest energy flied, then brought up the accumulated energy to higher and higher energy fields, and eventually at the top-most energy field at the crown of the head, to be open and let the energy flow down in a shower. It was a long and often tedious process.
It is simply ridiculous that now our students can attain Cosmic Shower in a matter of hours. In both the prototype, “Opening of Five Flowers”, and our method of Cosmic Shower, operating at the mind level is very important.
Operating at the mind level applies to advanced arts, like Cosmic Shower, Cosmic Breathing, and Bone Marrow Cleansing. Middle-level arts like Abdominal Breathing and Lifting Water operates at the energy level. Elementary arts like Self-Manifested Chi Movement and Dynamic Patterns operate at the form level.
However, in our school, because we are able into a deep chi kung state of mind, even elementary arts are operated at mind level. This is a main reason why we can have powerful results, even for otherwise low-level arts, in a relative short time.
(Part 3 follows)
We are indeed very lucky to have an incredible range of arts in our school. Our arts are both holistic and thematic. Any chi kung exercise can give us good health, vitality and longevity. Any kungfu set enables us to defend ourselves. This is the holistic aspect. On the other hand, some chi kung exercises are good at cleansing, whereas others are good at building. Some kungfu sets focus on striking, others focus on chin-na. This is the thematic aspect.
Your own examples show that you have benefitted both from the thematic and holistic aspects of various arts. Thematically, Bone Marrow Cleansing enables energy to flow at five different levels, but you also feel cleansed and stronger holistically. Thematically Sinew Metamorphosis generated a lot of internal force, but you also feel connected with everything holistically. Thematically Taijiquan is for combat, but you have spiritual experience holistically.
The hallmark of practicing Cosmic Shower is to experience a cascade of energy flowing down from the head through the body to the feet.
Its main benefits are to cleanse and to strengthen – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The energy which you tap from the cosmos clears your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockage.
For example, if you have an illness, clearing away your physical blockage will restore your good health. If you feel angry, clearing away your emotional blockage will make you peaceful. If you are confused, clearing away your mental blockage will enable you to think clearly. If you are afraid, clearing away your spiritual blockage will give you confidence.
The cosmic energy also strengthens you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You will feel physically stronger than before. You have better control over your emotions. Your mind is focus and fresh. You feel free and happy.
The differences between Cosmic Shower and other arts may be classified under the following headings – form, methodology, benefit and philosophy.
Cosmic Shower is a skill, and this skill of experiencing a shower of cosmic energy down our body can be induced by using different techniques, which have different form. The prototype exercise from which we draw inspiration for this art is called “Opening of Five Flowers”. This was a very advanced Taoist art performed while sitting in a lotus position.
In our case, we usually use “Lifting the Sky” or “Carrying the Moon” to induce a cosmic shower. The form of the techniques are very different. While the form of “Lifting the Sky” and “Carrying the Moon” are not the same, they are both basically dynamic patterns while standing at the same spot, raising and lowering both hands, which are very different from sitting quietly with eyes closed or half-closed in a lotus position.
The methodology to induce the cosmic shower is also different. In our case we use physical movement and breathing, whereas in the Taoist exercise practitioners in the past let energy accumulate at the lowest energy flied, then brought up the accumulated energy to higher and higher energy fields, and eventually at the top-most energy field at the crown of the head, to be open and let the energy flow down in a shower. It was a long and often tedious process.
It is simply ridiculous that now our students can attain Cosmic Shower in a matter of hours. In both the prototype, “Opening of Five Flowers”, and our method of Cosmic Shower, operating at the mind level is very important.
Operating at the mind level applies to advanced arts, like Cosmic Shower, Cosmic Breathing, and Bone Marrow Cleansing. Middle-level arts like Abdominal Breathing and Lifting Water operates at the energy level. Elementary arts like Self-Manifested Chi Movement and Dynamic Patterns operate at the form level.
However, in our school, because we are able into a deep chi kung state of mind, even elementary arts are operated at mind level. This is a main reason why we can have powerful results, even for otherwise low-level arts, in a relative short time.
(Part 3 follows)