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10 Questions on Cosmic Shower

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  • #31
    Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 2

    Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 2:

    (Continued from Part 1)

    We are indeed very lucky to have an incredible range of arts in our school. Our arts are both holistic and thematic. Any chi kung exercise can give us good health, vitality and longevity. Any kungfu set enables us to defend ourselves. This is the holistic aspect. On the other hand, some chi kung exercises are good at cleansing, whereas others are good at building. Some kungfu sets focus on striking, others focus on chin-na. This is the thematic aspect.

    Your own examples show that you have benefitted both from the thematic and holistic aspects of various arts. Thematically, Bone Marrow Cleansing enables energy to flow at five different levels, but you also feel cleansed and stronger holistically. Thematically Sinew Metamorphosis generated a lot of internal force, but you also feel connected with everything holistically. Thematically Taijiquan is for combat, but you have spiritual experience holistically.

    The hallmark of practicing Cosmic Shower is to experience a cascade of energy flowing down from the head through the body to the feet.

    Its main benefits are to cleanse and to strengthen – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The energy which you tap from the cosmos clears your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockage.

    For example, if you have an illness, clearing away your physical blockage will restore your good health. If you feel angry, clearing away your emotional blockage will make you peaceful. If you are confused, clearing away your mental blockage will enable you to think clearly. If you are afraid, clearing away your spiritual blockage will give you confidence.

    The cosmic energy also strengthens you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You will feel physically stronger than before. You have better control over your emotions. Your mind is focus and fresh. You feel free and happy.

    The differences between Cosmic Shower and other arts may be classified under the following headings – form, methodology, benefit and philosophy.

    Cosmic Shower is a skill, and this skill of experiencing a shower of cosmic energy down our body can be induced by using different techniques, which have different form. The prototype exercise from which we draw inspiration for this art is called “Opening of Five Flowers”. This was a very advanced Taoist art performed while sitting in a lotus position.

    In our case, we usually use “Lifting the Sky” or “Carrying the Moon” to induce a cosmic shower. The form of the techniques are very different. While the form of “Lifting the Sky” and “Carrying the Moon” are not the same, they are both basically dynamic patterns while standing at the same spot, raising and lowering both hands, which are very different from sitting quietly with eyes closed or half-closed in a lotus position.

    The methodology to induce the cosmic shower is also different. In our case we use physical movement and breathing, whereas in the Taoist exercise practitioners in the past let energy accumulate at the lowest energy flied, then brought up the accumulated energy to higher and higher energy fields, and eventually at the top-most energy field at the crown of the head, to be open and let the energy flow down in a shower. It was a long and often tedious process.

    It is simply ridiculous that now our students can attain Cosmic Shower in a matter of hours. In both the prototype, “Opening of Five Flowers”, and our method of Cosmic Shower, operating at the mind level is very important.

    Operating at the mind level applies to advanced arts, like Cosmic Shower, Cosmic Breathing, and Bone Marrow Cleansing. Middle-level arts like Abdominal Breathing and Lifting Water operates at the energy level. Elementary arts like Self-Manifested Chi Movement and Dynamic Patterns operate at the form level.

    However, in our school, because we are able into a deep chi kung state of mind, even elementary arts are operated at mind level. This is a main reason why we can have powerful results, even for otherwise low-level arts, in a relative short time.

    (Part 3 follows)
    "From formless to form, from form to formless"

    26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
    Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



    • #32
      Hallmark of Cosmic Shower

      The Hallmark of Cosmic Shower summarized:

      The hallmark of practicing Cosmic Shower is to experience a cascade of energy flowing down from the head through the body to the feet.

      Its main benefits are to cleanse and to strengthen – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The energy which you tap from the cosmos clears your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockage.
      "From formless to form, from form to formless"

      26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
      Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



      • #33
        Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 3

        Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 3 -- Part 3:

        (Continued from Part 2)

        Thematically the benefits of the various arts are different, although holistically all arts of chi kung give good health, vitality and longevity. The main benefit of Self-Manifested Chi Movement is to overcome illness, that of Dynamic Patterns to promote well-being and vitality, and that of Zhan Zhuang or stance training to develop internal force.

        The main benefit of Cosmic Shower is cleansing for spiritual cultivation. The main benefit of Self-Manifested Chi Movement is also cleansing, but it is more at a physical level to overcome illness.

        However, because of my spread and depth in chi kung, I was able to extend spiritual cleansing in Cosmic Shower to prepare practitioners to merge into Cosmic Reality, or in Western terms to return to God the Holy Spirit, to cleansing at the physical, emotional and mental levels which are not ready to leave the phenomenal for the transcendental. Further, I was also able to extend the benefit of cleansing to the benefit of strengthening in all our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

        The philosophy of Cosmic Shower is profound. Cosmic energy is employed to cleanse practitioners so thoroughly that not even a spec of dust remains so that they can merge with Cosmic Reality. As our students are not ready to leave the phenomenal world yet, I operate Cosmic Shower at a relatively lower level, which is still very high compared to most other arts of chi kung. Cosmic energy is employed to cleanse practitioners physically, emotionally and mentally so that they excel in all aspects in the phenomenal world, and to cleanse them spiritual so that they have a glimpse of Cosmic Reality.

        This profound philosophy is different from other types of chi kung. At the lowest level of chi kung, Self-Manifested Chi Movement, which is also the most useful because it fulfills the need of most people today, the philosophy is to generate an energy flow powerful enough to clear blockage to restore good health. At the middle level, the philosophy of Zhan Zhuang is to accumulate a lot of energy for peak performance.

        We are very lucky in our school. Our spread and depth not only enables us to practice a great variety of chi kung arts quite deeply, but also to employ just one art of chi kung for different purposes according to our needs and aspiration. Hence, although Cosmic Shower is basically for spiritual cleansing, we may use it at a low level to clear blockage for overcoming illness, at a middle level to develop internal force for peak performance, or at a high level to strengthen our spirit to enjoy a glimpse of Cosmic Reality.

        "From formless to form, from form to formless"

        26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
        Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



        • #34
          Thank you :-)

          Dear Sifu,

          Thank you for another beautiful and inspiring answer. It is just amazing to read the wisdom that your words reflect.

          Having these Questions & Answers Series are an invaluable treasure and, at the same time, are also a map to find "the treasure". :-)

          Thanks to Siheng Roland one more time for starting this wonderful thread.

          With Love, Care and Shaolin Salute,



          • #35

            Best wishes


            • #36
              Just read through the whole thread again during my (admittedly) early lunch break.

              I'm really looking foward to this course because last time I took it, I feel I wasn't aware/advanced enought to appreciate the teaching and philosophy and I definitely did not practice Cosmic Shower enough afterwards. It's fantastic to be able to have another chance at this!

              And time is FLYING for me at the moment, so this course will be upon us in no time . Thank you Sigung for the wonderful answers and thanks to Sifu for organizing this brain-fry-Sunday for this year's courses!


              • #37
                Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 4 -- Part 1

                A fantastic answer on a fantastic question:

                Question 4

                In (1) Cosmic Shower energy in the practitioner generally flows from above to below . In (2) Abdominal Breathing energy flows in a cycle above-below-above similar to (3) Small Universal Flow . In (4) Cosmic Breathing energy pulsates to and fro the dantian . In (5) Transcendental Big Universe energy expands away from the dantian .

                For a spiritual cultivator, if all things are equal, aiming to be detached from relative distractions in the phenomenal world below to investigate the heaven above or merge with the Void, are the above arts (numbered from 1 to 5) less to more efficacious in ascending number to achieve the aim? 

                Considering that Zen Masters focus their energy or attain no-mind and Taoist spiritual cultivators build and nourish their energy and move their focus from the lower to upper dantians gradually before expanding out of the Baihui above, would Cosmic Shower, with the downward energy flow, make us energetically have a downward tendency to the lower dantians (eg 2-3 inches below navel, hui-yin and yongquan etc) and hence more attached to and rooted in the phenomenal world (which is not necessarily bad , depending on one's aim)?

                Dr Damian Kissey


                Thank your for the sharp observation. I am very impressed with the question. It gives the five arts a new perspective which, I believe, past masters did not realise before, and which will contribute to the understanding and benefit of future practitioners.

                All the five arts — Cosmic Shower, Abdominal Breathing, Small Universe, Cosmic Breathing and Transcendental Big Universe — are advanced. It is rare just to have the opportunity to practice one correctly. It is simply ridiculous, in a good way, that we in Shaolin Wahnam have a chance to practice all of them and in a relatively very short time.

                How do we know we practice the arts correctly? This is quite simple. There are records of how these arts were practiced by masters in the past, and we do exactly as they did.

                More importantly, how do we know we have similar results? This is a more important question any practitioner should consider. It is alarming that many practitioners do not consider this question, irrespective of the arts they practice, with the consequence that not only they do not derive the benefits the arts they practice are meant to give, but sometimes they even derive harm. There is glaring evidence in the vast number of people who practice chi kung and martial arts today, although many of them do not realise the evidence, or choose to ignore it.

                Actually, for the sake of discussion, even if the methods we practice the arts are not the same as what past masters did, but the benefits are similar, we are justified in our practice. In our case both the methods and the results are similar. Indeed, we started using the methods past masters did, and when we had the results we compared them with the results of the past masters.

                You are right in your observation, or more probably your experience, of the nature of energy flow in the five arts. In Cosmic Shower, energy flows from above to below. But the energy does not stay below at our feet. It flows out, generating a continuous flow from above to below linking heaven, human and earth, attaining the Confucian concept of triple unity.

                In Abdominal Breathing a practitioner takes energy from the Cosmos and stores it at his dan tian, or central energy field. Thus he becomes more powerful. He also attains a one-pointed mind as he focuses on the in flow of cosmic energy.

                When the energy at his dan tian is full, the energy overflows along the ren and the du meridians, thus completing the Small Universe whereby the energy flows round his body in a never-ending circle, giving him good health, vitality and longevity as well as remarkably good luck.

                This normally takes more than 10 years. But my sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, shortened the process to about 2 years by teaching me to use Reverse Breathing to bring the energy from my hui-ying up to my bai-hui.

                I further shortened the process to a few days of learning the necessary techniques in five stages! But students selected to attend my Small Universe course already had sufficient energy in their dan tian for the small universal energy flow. They just learned the techniques to activate the flow.

                (Part 2 follows)
                "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



                • #38
                  What a question and what a answer!

                  I would like to thank Sifu Dr Damian for this excellently put question. Sifu is impressed I am impressed as well, I read the question and answer at least three times.
                  "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                  26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                  Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



                  • #39
                    Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 4 -- Part 2

                    Questions and answers full of amazement!

                    Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 4 -- Part 2

                    (Continued from Part 1)

                    In Cosmic Breathing energy pulsates to and from the dan tian. A practitioner literally pulsates with the Universe. In our Cosmic Breathing courses I was able to grasp this opportunity and led course participants to merge their personal energy inside their body with cosmic energy outside, thus expanding into the Cosmos and attaining a spiritual awakening.

                    This incredible experience is the Transcendental Big Universe. Energy not only expands from the dan tian, which many of our students, particularly those who have practiced Abdominal Breathing, have attained and which is still in the phenomenal realm, but also the personal energy of a practitioner merges with the cosmic energy of the Universe, attaining the transcendental where there is no differentiation.

                    Yes, if all other things were equal, Cosmic Shower, Abdominal Breathing, Small Universe, Cosmic Breathing and Transcendental Big Universe are in ascending order of efficaciousness for a spiritual cultivator to be detached from relative distractions in the phenomenal world below to investigate the heaven above or to merge with the Void.

                    It should be noted that the lowest art in this order, Cosmic Shower, by itself is efficacious in attaining the transcendental. Many on our school, because of their high-level skills, can employ Cosmic Shower to expand into the Cosmos. It would, of course, be more effective, when they use a method of at a higher order, like Cosmic Breathing.

                    It is also helpful to note that all the above arts refer to skills and not to techniques. In Cosmic Shower we have the skills to let cosmic energy shower down our body. In Abdominal Breathing, we have the skills to drink in cosmic energy into our dan tian. In Small Universe we have the skill to let our energy flow along the ren and the du meridians.around our body. In Cosmic Breathing, we have the skills to pulsate with the Cosmos. In Transcendental Big Universe we have the skills to expand into the Cosmos.

                    In theory we can use any technique to activate any of the above skills. We may, for example, if we try to be funny or to be innovative, use Horse-Riding Stance to have cosmic energy shower down our body or to expand into the Cosmos. Of course, if all other things were equal, when we use a better technique, we shall be more effective.

                    Some of the best techniques to activate the respective skills are Carrying the Moon for Cosmic Shower, dan tain breathing for Abdominal Breathing, dan tian breathing for Small Universe, dan tian breathing for Cosmic Breathing, and dan tian breathing for Transcendental Big Universe. It is no wonder that dan tian breathing, which is used in four of the above five arts, and can also be used for Cosmic Shower if we want to, is sometimes called natural breathing, although most people today, except children, find it unnatural.

                    In this connection, it is heartening to remind ourselves that it is natural to be healthy, and we are naturally a Buddha, or undifferentiated with the Cosmos, although most people are ignorant of these facts.

                    Zen masters aim at no mind whereby they merge with the Cosmos. Taoist cultivators emerge from their bai-hui as immortals and roam the heavens, but they still exist in the phenomenal. This is a main reason, amongst the known who of course constitute only a mall minority, why Zen cultivation is considered higher than Taoist cultivation. Taoist masters who wish to attain the highest achievement practice sitting meditation to merge with the Cosmos.

                    For most other practitioners Cosmic Shower, with its downward energy flow, may abde them to the phenomenal world. It will cleanse their blockage and nourish them, giving them good health, vitality, longevity as well as peace and happiness.

                    However, we are different. Because of our high-level skills, we can use Cosmic Shower to expand into the Cosmos. Strictly speaking, it is not Cosmic Shower. Our practitioners may start with Cosmic Shower, employing a suitable technique like Carrying the Moon, but when they expand into the Cosmos they will have to use the skills of expanding into the Cosmos.

                    "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                    26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                    Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



                    • #40
                      Thank you very much to our GrandMaster for the guiding gems

                      and to Sifu Roland for fascilitating this golden thread

                      Damian Kissey
                      Shaolin Wahnam Sabah , Malaysia .


                      • #41

                        Thanks to Sihing Roland for mediating, Sihing Damian for his insightful question in particular, and to Sifu for his answers!
                        Sifu Andy Cusick

                        Shaolin Wahnam Thailand
                        Shaolin Qigong


                        Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

                        "a trained mind brings health and happiness"
                        - ancient wisdom


                        • #42
                          Dear Sifu, dear Damian Tai Sihing & dear Roland Sihing,
                          Thank you for this wonderful question and answer.

                          Best wishes,


                          • #43
                            Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 5 -- Part 1

                            Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 5 -- Part 1:

                            Question 5

                            Cosmic Shower is an extremely profound practice, especially when guided under the supervision of a master.

It seems to very deeply cleanse and energise the meridians, with mental and spiritual expansion being one of its hallmarks.

Please can you talk about the history and development of this practice; both your own personal experience and what you know of its uses throughout the history of the internal arts.

                            Sifu Andy Cusick


                            For convenience and better understanding, we may classify our chi kung arts into three levels:

                            1 Basic Level
                            (a) Five-Animal Play
                            (b) 18 Jewels
                            (3) 18 Lohan Hands

                            2 Intermediate Level
                            (a) Internal Force
                            (b) Bone Marrow Cleansing
                            (c) Cosmic Shower

                            3 Advanced Level
                            (a) Sinew Metamorphosis
                            (b) Cosmic Breathing
                            (c) Merging with the Cosmos

                            The main result of these three levels corresponds to:

                            Overcoming illness, health, vitality and longevity
                            Peak performance
                            Highest spiritual fulfilment

                            Please note that the classification is arbitrary, and there is much over-lapping.

                            However, if you have advanced skills, you can perform lower level arts at a higher level, like using Cosmic Shower to expand into the Cosmos.
                            I developed Cosmic Shower from my own dedicated practice of Lifting the Sky and Carrying the Moon. Lifting the Sky was my favourite chi kung exercise. which I have practiced the most frequently.

                            After years of practicing Lifting the Sky and sometime Carrying the Moon, I felt cosmic energy showering down my body. It was a very pleasant feeling of cosmic shower.

                            In my early years of teaching Intensive Chi Kung Course, I made use of this discovery and led students to tap energy from the Cosmos and then let the cosmic energy come down as a shower.

                            At first I found the Cosmos Shower cleanse me thoroughly, making me healthy and full of vitality. Later I discovered that it also cleansed me emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

                            Spiritual cleansing was confirmed by many students telling me that after chi kung practice during the Intensive Chi Kung Course, they found the world more beautiful. I reasoned that the external world had not changed, but the students had changed internally. Lifting the Sky and Carrying the Moon had purified their spirit, making them see things and relationship more beautifully.

                            (Part 2 follows)
                            "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                            26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                            Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



                            • #44
                              Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 5 -- Part 2

                              Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 5 -- Part 2

                              (Continued from Part 1)

                              When course organizers asked me for more advanced courses, I introduced Cosmic Shower. At first I called it Golden Shower, as I could feel the energy showering down from above was golden in colour. Riccardo Salvatore told me that golden shower had another connotation. When university seniors forced their juniors to place their heads in water-closet, and flushed down the water, it was called golden shower. So I changed the name of the course to Cosmic Shower.

                              In my study of chi kung classics, I found an advanced Taoist chi kung exercise similar to our Cosmic Shower. This Taoist exercise was called “Opening of Five Flowers” and was performed seated in a lotus position.

                              Through years of dedicated practice, an aspirant could open his bai-hui energy point at the top of his head, like the opening of petals in a flower. Vital energy would bubble out and flow down the aspirant, who would be very youthful irrespective of his chronically age.

                              My continued practice of Cosmic Shower gave me the experience that cosmic shower not only cleansed me but also strengthened me physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I confirmed the results by asking students at my Cosmic Shower courses. More than 80% of students discernibly felt the strengthening physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

                              It would take a Taoist aspirant more than 10 years to attain the “Opening of Five Flowers”. I took more than two years to attain Cosmic Shower. It is just ridiculous that with my heart-to-heart transmission, our students can attain a Cosmic Shower in a few hours!

                              Many other people would ask how our students know that they have successfully practiced Cosmic Shower. The answer is actually simple, but very important. It is precisely that many other people do not ask such a question and know the answer that they have wasted a lot of time, and sometimes even have harmed themselves.

                              Our students know they have successfully practiced Cosmic Shower because they have obtained the benefits practicing Cosmic Shower successfully will give. More than 80% of those who attended my Cosmic Shower courses, for example, reported that they felt themselves well cleansed, and that they could control their emotions and thoughts better than before, which showed their Cosmic Shower practice had strengthened them emotionally and mentally.

                              Some people who don’t have the opportunity to enjoy such benefits may ask how our students know they can control their emotions and thoughts better than before. In principle, it is like these people asking how do they know they have eaten an orange or drunk some coffee. If they have eaten an orange or drunk some coffee, they would know it, just as our students know they can better control their emotions and thoughts because of their own direct experience.

                              "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                              26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                              Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



                              • #45
                                Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 6 Part 1

                                Cosmic Shower: Question-Answer 6 Part 1

                                Question 6

                                Tonight, as I was enjoying a chi flow after 10 minutes of Golden Bridge I felt a Cosmic Shower, the Grace of God, flowing right through me. The beauty of it was beyond words. 

                                My question: could I have experienced this if I had solely practised Golden Bridge and never had been taught other Chi Kung exercises and skills such as Cosmic Shower? Or is this beautiful experience the result of your teachings of spread and depth? 

                                I cannot thank you enough for your teachings; besides health, vitality mental clarity and other worldly benefits we also enjoy such beautiful spiritual experiences, by the grace of all your teachings and sacrifices. 

                                Sifu Roeland Dijkema


                                Congratulations for your wonderful experience. Other people outside our school who never had such a beautiful experience will never understand it, but those in our school who have had such an experience before would understand it perfectly. This is why great masters said that such beautiful experiences were inexplicable.

                                At first I did not understand why such experiences were inexplicable. I reasoned that those with such experiences could describe their experiences in words. Then, in a flash of inspiration, I realised why the masters mentioned that such experiences were inexplicable.

                                Even if such experiences are described exactly and correctly in words, those who never have had such experiences would never understand the description, even when they fully understand the dictionary meanings of all the words used in the description.

                                A prosaic example will make this clearer. Suppose someone has never been on a boat trip on the canals of Amsterdam. A person who has had such an experience may describe the boat trip as beautiful, exquisite or enchanting. Bu that someone who never had an experience would never know how beautiful, exquisite or enchanting the boat trip was. It would be even more difficult to understand your experience of Cosmic Shower which was more beautiful, more exquisite and more enchanting.

                                Your description of the Cosmic Shower as the grace of God and beyond words is very appropriate. It is the grace of God because the Cosmic Shower clears physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blockage, giving you good health, vitality, longevity, mental clarity and spiritual joys. It is beyond words because no matter how you try to describe it, those without the experience will never understand the description.

                                (Part 2 follows)
                                Last edited by Luo Lang; 7 August 2015, 09:20 AM.
                                "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                                26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                                Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong


