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Yang 108 pattern set : 10 Quesions for the Grandmaster

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  • #46
    Here is part 2 of Question 5.

    Thank you Sigung!

    Question 5

    Answer (part 2 of 2)

    In our school, presuming all other things were equal, those who specialize in Wudang Taijiquan will get the best benefits in all the areas of health, combat and spiritual cultivation, those who specialize in Flowing Water Floating Clouds will get more benefits than those who specialize in the Yang Style Set. This is relative. Although those specializing in the Yang Style Set get the least benefits, their benefits are still a lot.

    But other things are not equal. Those who missed the Special Wudang Taijiquan course in Penang recently would not be able to specialize effectively in this set. I have no plan in the immediate future to offer a Special Flowing Water Floating Clouds course, so Wahnam members would be unable to specialize effectively in this set. Although the Yang Style course in Ireland is not at the level of a special course in Malaysia, it is still of a very high level.

    Hence, if you attend this course and choose to specialize in the Yang Style Set, you will have more benefits in all the three areas of health, combat and spiritual development than other Wahnam members who specialize in Flowing Water Floating Clouds or Wudang Taijiquan if they have not attended any courses on these sets. Presuming that a Wahnam member had attended courses in all the three sets, but if he is more skillful in one particular set or likes that set the most, it is likely that he will also get the best results if he specializes in that set.

    If all other things were equal, it would be more beneficial for you at your present level to specialize in Flowing Water Floating Clouds. For most other people, like those outside our school, it will be more beneficial for them to specialize in the 108-Pattern Yang Style Set. This is because these other people do not have the knowledge and skills that you have. If one does not have the skills to drive a car, it is better for him to ride a bicycle.

    But other things are not equal. If you haven’t attended a course on Flowing Water Floating Clouds but have an opportunity to attend a special, though regional, course on the 108-Pattern Yang Style Taijiquan Set, specializing on the Yang Style Set will be more beneficial.

    Suppose a Wahnam member has attended a general course on Flowing Water Floating Clouds like the one held at St Petersburg last year, and he is going to attend a special course on the 108-Pattern Yang Style Taijiquan Set in Ireland next year, which set will give him more benefits if he chooses one to specialize in? Of course, the Yang Style Set because the special course will give him more depth.

    Now let us compare two Wahnam members A and B, and both of them will attend the Yang Style Set in Ireland. A also attended the St Petersburg course last year where he had an introduction to all the three main styles of Taijiquan, but B did not attend this course. If both choose to specialize in the Yang Style Set, who will have more benefits? Of course, A because he has more breath.

    Now, for more fun, suppose C attended the St Petersburg course, and D will attend the Ireland course. If both choose to specialize in the Yang Style Set, who will have more benefit? In other words, does breath or depth give more benefit? The result will depend on how far is the breath and depth. If C’s breath is more than D’s depth, C will get more benefit. If D’s depth is more than C’s breadth, D will get more benefit. If C’s breadth equals to D’s depth, they will get the same amount of benefit.

    When choosing a set for specialization you should consider the breadth and depth of the set, available resources, and your liking and skills. These factors correspond to the art, the teacher and the student.

    Obviously choosing a set with much breadth and depth is better than one with less breadth and depth. Choosing a 108-Pattern set, for example, is better than a 24-Pattern set because there is more breadth. Choosing the 36-pattern Dragon-Tiger Set is better than the 36-pattern Lohan Asks the Way because there is more depth.

    It is important to consider the resources available, especially the knowledge and teaching ability of the teacher. Even when a student has chosen a set with much breadth and depth, but there is no competent teacher to teach him, he won’t obtain many benefits from his specialization. This problem, fortunately, does not apply in our school, but is common in most other schools.

    The liking and skills of a student are important. Even when an excellent set is chosen and a competent teacher is available, if a student does not like the set or lacks the skills to perform it, he is unlikely to progress far. This situation is quite common with people suffering from so-called incurable diseases. We have an excellent method in chi flow, and excellent healers, but if patients do not want to practice, they will not be cured.



    • #47
      My deepest gratitude to Sifu for these wonderful answers and to all who have posed great questions.

      We all learn so much from Sifu's Special Question and Answer Series, how really special it is!

      We are looking forward so much to Sifu's arrival in February for the Valentine's Festival. ...............not long now!!!!!

      Thank you again Sifu,
      Books don't mean a lot unless you open them, Hearts are the same.......

      Valentine's Smile from the Heart 2019 IRELAND - world renowned Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit.

      -A FEAST OF SHAOLIN transmitted by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit FEBRUARY 16TH -19TH 2019


      • #48
        Wow :-)

        Dear Sifu,

        Thank you so much for your answers, your patience, wisdom and dedication. I was a bit afraid of making these personal questions as some of them where similar to other previous questions. I am really happy that I have asked them as the answers are absolutely perfect. :-)

        This year has been a year of enormous growing. I own a lot to this Family and specially to Sifu and Sije. For me, every year starts in February and not January. This is so because Sifu comes to Ireland in February and it is just in that moment where all the magic starts to happen. It is really an honour and a privilege to start every year with Sifu's visit. :-)

        I also want to thank my dear friend and brother Kevin for this Questions & Answers series. It is another classic that will accompany me always.

        With Love, Care and Shaolin Salute,



        • #49
          Originally posted by sancrica View Post
          This year has been a year of enormous growing. I own a lot to this Family and specially to Sifu and Sije. For me, every year starts in February and not January. This is so because Sifu comes to Ireland in February and it is just in that moment where all the magic starts to happen. It is really an honour and a privilege to start every year with Sifu's visit. :-)
          Thank you for your lovely words Santi! Yes indeed, the magic does start to flow at Valentine's and this year will be no different. Just over six weeks to go!


          Sigung's answer to Question 6 is coming very shortly...


          • #50
            So here it is: Sigung's wonderful answer to Question 6. I love all the answers but this one is particularly special as it deepens our understanding of the much wider benefits of the amazing art that is Wahnam Taijiquan.

            Thank you to Brendan for asking this great question.

            And sincere thanks and gratitude to Sigung for again penning an absolutely wonderful answer.

            Question 6

            Sifu how would the 108 Pattern Yang Set enrich our daily lives be it in relationships or business life? In this regard what advantages would this softer more flowing set have over sets that are generally more forceful?

            Not just in the Yang set but in a lot of Kung Fu sets there isn't any ground fighting, Sifu why is this?


            Answer (part 1 of 3)

            Let us examine both holistically and thematically how the 108-Patten Yang Style Taijiquan Set can enrich our daily life be it in relationships or in business.

            The holistic aspect means that the benefits derive from the 108-Pattern Set are also available in other kungfu sets. The thematic aspect means that the benefits derived are especially applicable in the 108-Pattern Set.

            Practicing the 108-Pattern Set, just as practicing any kungfu set, will give us combat efficiency as well as good health, vitality, longevity, mental freshness and spiritual joys.

            Although we do not want to physically fight in a relationship or business life, the benefits we get from kungfu training like the 108-Pattern Set are enriching. For example, in kungfu training it is very important to respond correctly and spontaneously in a combat situation. If an opponent executes a kick, for example, you shift your body backward to avoid the kick using “Striking Tiger Poise,” then move in immediately to fell him using Carry Tiger Back to Mountain”.

            Some people may think that all martial artists learn this, i.e. responding to a combat situation correctly and spontaneously. They should, but in reality most of them don’t. Today if an opponent gives Taijiquan practitioners, or more appropriately Taiji dancers, a kick, most of them do not know what to do. They may not even realize they have to respond to the situation correctly and spontaneously.

            If an opponent gives martial artists a kick, some of them would bounce away, and many would ignore the kick to move in to exchange blows. In other words they do not know how to respond to the situation correctly and spontaneously, though they may move away and wait for the next combat situation or fight back frantically.

            When this occurs everyday for a few years or even a few months, a pattern of thought and action becomes internalized, and affects relationships and business life, usually unconsciously. So when his girlfriend or wife gives a Taiji dancer or a martial artist a kick, like telling him that she does not want to talk to him anymore, the Taiji dancer just stands there like a fool, and the martial artist shouts back with unpleasantries. They do not know how to respond correctly to a (non-physical) combat situation.

            (For our female readers, “girlfriend” or “wife” reads as “boyfriend” or “husband”, together with other relevant changes.)

            (Part 2 follows)


            • #51
              Here is part 2 of Question 6.

              Thank you Sigung!

              Question 6

              Answer (part 2 of 3)

              Our students who have learned Taijiquan or Shaolin Kungfu from us would respond correctly and spontaneously. They would shift their body back, without running away, and immediately move forward and fell their opponent, in this case gently, onto the floor, like pausing with a smile then sweetly saying “I shall talk to you then.” It is difficult for a girlfriend or wife not to be charmed by such a resourceful boyfriend or husband.

              If a business rival cuts prices to compete with him, a businessman trained in Taiji dance would not know what to do, whereas a businessman trained in other martial arts would outdo his rival by cutting prices more drastically, ending with both parties losing money. A businessman trained in our arts will step back to examine the situation, then publicize that customers pay higher prices but get much more benefits in return, which has been true all the time.

              It is not without good reasons that our students routinely report enhanced relationship and business life. They rightly attribute the enhancement to good luck, or good circulation of chi. Our kungfu students reading this answer here will know another major reason. The benefits from their training in combat application have enhanced their daily life in both personal relationship and business.

              Needless to say, good health, vitality, longevity, mental freshness and spiritual joys greatly enhance relationships and business life, though many people may not realize it. A person with knee injuries due to his Taiji dancing is less likely to make his girlfriend happy on a date, or his wife happy just remaining at home. A businessman angry at himself and his classmates in generous exchange of blows in free sparring, or blocked in his energy flow due to grimacing his face and tensing his muscle in solo practice in many martial arts, is less like to make his customers as well as his own employees happy in his business life.

              From the thematic perspective, the 108-Pattern Set makes practitioners gentle, graceful and flowing. It is excellent in manifesting the principle of following an opponent’s momentum, then turning it against him, or in the context of relationship or business life, leading a boyfriend, husband or customers by the nose for their benefit. It is very important that the philosophy and practice must be “for their benefit”, or at least for your mutual benefit.

              I have discussed this philosophy and applied the practice in many Taijiquan classes, like in Spain and Japan, where our ladies, of course, were enthralled, but I shall repeat it here with different examples.

              When an opponent throws a punch, a Taiji dancer would not know how to respond and be hit. A martial artist of other styles would block the punch head on. Our Wahnam Taijiquan practitioners would ward off the punch following its momentum, lead the opponent and then turn him back, and fell him onto the ground, not by wrestling with him but by off-balancing him, all in one smooth, graceful flow. Many of our petite feminine students were pleasantly surprised when they fell big-sized able-bodied males.

              When a boyfriend or husband gives a Taiji dancer a punch, like saying the dress she is wearing is horrible, she does not know what to do and feels hurt. A martial artist of another style would fight back, saying that the shirt and trousers he is wearing are horrible too, and they may start to quarrel. A Wahnam Taijiquan student would sweetly say, “Ah, you have good taste. Won’t you take me to a shop and buy me a pretty dress now? Please don’t peep while I change.”

              Other more forceful sets, like Triple Stretch and Choy-Li-Fatt, may not have these advantages. A practitioner of these sets may counter-strike the punch, like saying “You have to learn to like my dress if you want to take me out.” It is better than being hurt or fighting back, but not as elegant and superior as getting your boyfriend or husband to buy you a new dress.

              In our school, due to the advantage of breadth and depth, we can make a forceful set like Triple Stretch or Choy-Li-Fatt graceful and flowing, but the 108-Pattern Set has a relative advantage.

              (Part 3 follows)


              • #52
                Here is part 3 of Sigung's answer to Brendan's question.

                Thank you Sigung!

                Question 6

                Answer (part 3 of 3)

                What about those who are already gentle, graceful and flowing? Will attending the 108-Pattern course backfire and turn them into softies? No, not in our school. They will learn how to use gentle, graceful and flowing movements to explode force and to press onto an opponent. We do not merely talk about yin-yang harmony, we walk our talk.

                So, the training at the 108-Pattern course will enable you not just to merely ask your boyfriend or husband to buy you a new dress like a helpless lamb, but to speak with such charming power that he cannot resist.

                If a business rival badmouths you saying that your product or service is unsatisfactory, instead of not knowing what to do like a Taiji dancer, or badmouthing him back like other martial artists, as a Wahnam Taijiquan practitioner you take your rival’s publicity as free advertisement and tell people to buy your product or service to find out for themselves and in the unlikelihood they are dissatisfied, they can have their money back.

                The underlying reason why the 108-Pattern Set as well as most other kungfu sets do not have ground fighting is because they were practiced as fighting arts, and in our school they still are practiced as fighting arts while we are fully aware of their non-fighting benefits.

                Ground fighting occurred in sport, like in “xue jiao” or Chinese wrestling, but not in real fighting. For ground fighting to happen, an opponent has to first take you to the ground. In a real fight, which was not uncommon in the past for which these kungfu sets were trained, if an opponent is so silly to attempt taking you to the ground, you would have smashed his head or broken his spine.

                If he is so skillful that he can take you to the ground before you can smash his head or break his spine, there is no need for him to go to the trouble of ground fighting. He could have struck your groin or broken you legs. If he spares your groin and legs, and mounts on you, you can still poke his eyes, or if his face is too far away, you can jab your palm into his ribs.

                Kungfu gymnastic or dance masters are correct when they give such answers when asked what they would do if an opponent attempts a shoot, for example, to take them onto the ground, or when an opponent is already pinning them down. The problems is that they don’t have the skills to do so, or even the techniques when an opponent simply punches or kicks them.

                Shaolin Kungfu is all comprehensive. I have often mentioned, and in the process made some people angry, that all techniques in other martial arts, including ground fighting, are found in Shaolin Kungfu, except most Shaolin practitioners today have not progressed advanced enough to use them.

                Even in a real fight, you and all our Shaolin Wahnam members would not want to smash your opponent’s head or break his spine. There are techniques in the 108-Pattern Set to prevent an opponent taking you onto the ground without resorting to these drastic actions. Do you know what these techniques are? We shall practice them during the 108-Pattern course.

                To have some fun, we shall also let our sparring partners pin as down, and borrow two techniques from Drunken Eight Immortals to overcome two situations, one being pin-downed spread eagle, and the other with face upward. These two techniques, using the same combat principle, can overcome any pin-down!

                The 108-Pattern Yang Style Taijiquan Course in Ireland is going to be a lot of fun, besides bringing many benefits.



                • #53
                  Sigung asks a question in the final part of the answer to Question 6:

                  Even in a real fight, you and all our Shaolin Wahnam members would not want to smash your opponent’s head or break his spine. There are techniques in the 108-Pattern Set to prevent an opponent taking you onto the ground without resorting to these drastic actions. Do you know what these techniques are?

                  Lets have some fun in identifying these techniques!

                  Would anybody like to field an answer?


                  • #54
                    Thank you, Kevin, for organizing this thread so exemplarily.
                    Thank you, Sifu, for your beautiful answers!

                    Lets have some fun in identifying these techniques!
                    Would anybody like to field an answer?
                    I'm voting for "Black bear sinks hips".

                    "Needle at sea bottom" and "Strike Tiger" would be alternatives more aggressive and dangerous for the opponent.

                    Best regards,

                    Sifu Leonard Lackinger

                    Shaolin Treasure House

                    Shaolin Wahnam Wien & Shaolin Treasure House


                    • #55
                      Wow,Thank you Sifu the answers are just incredible. It's like been at the thirty six strategies course again. I feel extremely lucky to have the opportunity to attend the 108 pattern Yang Set.

                      Black Bear Sinks Hips is the first pattern that comes to mind against a take down.

                      Thank you Sifu,
                      Thank you Kevin Si Jat,
                      Shaolin Salute,


                      • #56
                        Techniques in the 108-Pattern Set to prevent an opponent taking you onto the ground without resorting to these drastic actions.
                        Depending on the type of take down:

                        Black Bear Sinks Hips
                        Double Dragon plays with Pearl
                        Carry Tiger back to Mountains

                        Enjoy some Wahnam Tai Chi Chuan & Qi Gong!

                        Evening Classes in Zürich
                        Weekend Classes in other Swiss locations



                        • #57
                          Great answers guys! Thank you all so much for contributing.

                          Let me add a few more:

                          For someone trying to get you down by gripping your arm Immortal Waves Sleeves would help you out.

                          Cross hands would help if your arms were pinned to your body.

                          Wild Horse Parts Mane would also help I'm sure...but I must confess I have never tried that one out!

                          Any other patterns?

                          Oh I do like impromptu Q&A like these!!!


                          • #58
                            Techniques in the 108-Pattern Set to prevent an opponent taking you onto the ground without resorting to these drastic actions.
                            Roll back from "Grasping Sparrow's Tail" in a horse stance.


                            Best regards,


                            • #59
                              Another enjoyable and fascinating Q&A series!

                              Thank you Sifu!
                              Daniel Pérez


                              • #60
                                Dear Wahnam Family,

                                When I think about a possible answer and take a look to all the patterns, my creativity starts to flow and I see a way to use almost any of them for avoiding/escaping from someone trying to take me down to the floor. Is that possible? My instinct says that it is possible but I am unsure if my instinct is correct.

                                I would say that some patterns will have more advantages or will be safer than others and it will depend, as Sifu Andrea mentioned, on where the opponent is and what is he doing.

                                Having said this, I will include my guess and a little explanation for my choices:

                                The first pattern than came to my mind was then same one that Sifu Leo mentioned if the opponent is coming from the front: "Needle at sea bottom."

                                I also like the next pattern that follows this one: "
                                Dodge, Extend Arm." That would be the second pattern. I like this one because front leg retreats and then it comes to the front again. That combined with hands will avoid the opponent from grabbing me and later l will push him away. This move will make him loose balance, will avoid the grappling and will allow me to use his momentum for pushing him back.

                                The third pattern that I had in mind when an opponent comes from the front or side would be "Repulse Monkey." I like this one because it is repeated 4 times. If the opponent is very forceful we can retreat as many times as we need without sacrificing our safety.

                                The fourth pattern that I thought about was "Jade Girl Thrads Shuttle." The reason why I chose this pattern it is because it can be combined in the 4 cardinal points. Therefore, it doesn't matter which direction the opponent might come from because we have learned how to use it in 4 different directions. That is offering us a great combat advantage. The footwork in these series is actually very useful as it goes in circles so, if opponent is very forceful, we can use the momentum for later pushing him away in any direction we want.

                                This question was a great exercise for strategy training. I want to thank Sifu for that as it was of great help for me. :-)

                                Thank you also to the rest of the Wahnam Family for its contributions. They are very much appreciated.

                                With Love, Care and Shaolin Salute,


