Dear family,
While the 18 Lohan Hands are a great set of exercises to gain all the holistic benefits of Chi Kung, being health, vitality, mental clarity and spiritual cultivation, depending on the skill level of the practitioner, its main purpose is to become and stay healthy.
The 18 Lohan Art is a great collection of exercises that can bring all the holistic benefits of Chi Kung too, but this set focuses more on internal force in all martial aspects (building, flowing, exploding). The force can of course be used not exclusively for martial arts, but be converted to enrich every aspect of our lives.
You can find pictures and the history of the 18 Lohan Art here:
Those who have not learned the exercises yet, should take the chance when it arises!
Every exercise has some special benefits besides the holistic ones. Trying my best as a Scholar Warrior, I collected Sifu’s statements from various courses, Q&A and website articles.
Sifu was so kind to review the result of my research and even added some more entries.
The list will be included in the Q&A at the end of next year, but I am allowed to post it in our Virtual Kwoon already.
I condensed the list to keywords for easier access. Related keywords share a line. Some quotes from Sifu are also included.
I hope the list will be beneficial to you in choosing the right exercise for your current aims and needs!
1 - Lohan worships Buddha
agility, contributes to the Art of Lightness
2 - Reverse hanging on double hooks
“is a very powerful exercise to develop internal force, so it has to be practiced with the supervision of a competent teacher.”
activates the phenomenal big universal chi flow
3 - Double Hooks Hanging on Wall
“is a very powerful exercise to develop internal force, so it has to be practiced with the supervision of a competent teacher.”
4 - Shake Head Wag Tail
cleansing of the nervous system, overcoming allergies,
spine, neck
>> 5 - Rhinoceros looks to the moon
flexibility of the hips, which are the “commander of movement”
spine, neck,
nervous system, overcoming allergies
6 - Big Boss lifts bronze vessel
“develops a lot of internal force, so it has to be practiced with the supervision of a competent teacher.”
strengthens kidney system,
roots to the ground
7 - Big Bird Spreads Wings
Fa-Jing (exploding force),
heart, opens chest
8 - Old Monk Grinds Rice
Fa-Jing (exploding force) and flowing energy,
9 - Golden Leopard Trains Claws
Fa-Jing (exploding force) - more consolidated than in the exercises before,
Eagle & Tiger Claw Training,
heart, lungs, opens chest,
muscles and sinews,
gall bladder, courage, confidence
10 - Father and Son Together
“Again the nature of exploding force and the resultant force itself are quite different from the other methods of Fa-Jing. Herein lies the richness of training methods in our school. The force here is both consolidated and flowing. This exercise sends energy flowing not just to the arms but also to the legs.”
11 - Shoot Spear at Mystical Gate
Fa-Jing (exploding force),
heart, lungs, opens chest,
“It also makes a practitioner confident and courageous. It roots him to the ground, with a sense of solidness, while flowing >> energy is being exploded out.”
12 - Green Dragon Charges at Face
Fa-Jing (exploding force),
reducing the 5 gates to less gates,
“This exercise also radiant with health, vitality and mental clarity, and promotes longevity. Although these are holistic benefits, this exercise is particularly effective in realizing these benefits.”
13 - Hungry Tiger Charges at Prey
Eagle & Tiger Claw Training,
Opens the lungs,
liver, anger,
sinews and muscles,
“and enables a practitioner to be youthful even when he reaches advanced age.”
14 - Iron Bull Ploughs Earth
strengthens the waist and thus improves agility,
combat application in ground fighting,
“Like the exercise above, it gives youthfulness irrespective of age.”
15 - Open Window to Look at Moon
stretching of the side meridians, longevity,
kidneys and waist
16 - Old Monk takes off Shoes
liver, anger,
leg flexibility,
supplementary exercise for the Art of Lightness
17 - Night guard tests sea
balance (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual),
agility and flexibility,
poise and confidence
18 - Swallow Flies through Clouds
balance (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual),
flexibility and agility
“If one practices this Swallow exercise and the Night Guard exercise regularly, he will still be youthful and agile when he grows old. Considering that many elderly persons are slow and clumsy, this is good advice.”
Enjoy the list and enjoy your practice!
Best wishes,
While the 18 Lohan Hands are a great set of exercises to gain all the holistic benefits of Chi Kung, being health, vitality, mental clarity and spiritual cultivation, depending on the skill level of the practitioner, its main purpose is to become and stay healthy.
The 18 Lohan Art is a great collection of exercises that can bring all the holistic benefits of Chi Kung too, but this set focuses more on internal force in all martial aspects (building, flowing, exploding). The force can of course be used not exclusively for martial arts, but be converted to enrich every aspect of our lives.
You can find pictures and the history of the 18 Lohan Art here:
Those who have not learned the exercises yet, should take the chance when it arises!
Every exercise has some special benefits besides the holistic ones. Trying my best as a Scholar Warrior, I collected Sifu’s statements from various courses, Q&A and website articles.
Sifu was so kind to review the result of my research and even added some more entries.
The list will be included in the Q&A at the end of next year, but I am allowed to post it in our Virtual Kwoon already.
I condensed the list to keywords for easier access. Related keywords share a line. Some quotes from Sifu are also included.
I hope the list will be beneficial to you in choosing the right exercise for your current aims and needs!
1 - Lohan worships Buddha
agility, contributes to the Art of Lightness
2 - Reverse hanging on double hooks
“is a very powerful exercise to develop internal force, so it has to be practiced with the supervision of a competent teacher.”
activates the phenomenal big universal chi flow
3 - Double Hooks Hanging on Wall
“is a very powerful exercise to develop internal force, so it has to be practiced with the supervision of a competent teacher.”
4 - Shake Head Wag Tail
cleansing of the nervous system, overcoming allergies,
spine, neck
>> 5 - Rhinoceros looks to the moon
flexibility of the hips, which are the “commander of movement”
spine, neck,
nervous system, overcoming allergies
6 - Big Boss lifts bronze vessel
“develops a lot of internal force, so it has to be practiced with the supervision of a competent teacher.”
strengthens kidney system,
roots to the ground
7 - Big Bird Spreads Wings
Fa-Jing (exploding force),
heart, opens chest
8 - Old Monk Grinds Rice
Fa-Jing (exploding force) and flowing energy,
9 - Golden Leopard Trains Claws
Fa-Jing (exploding force) - more consolidated than in the exercises before,
Eagle & Tiger Claw Training,
heart, lungs, opens chest,
muscles and sinews,
gall bladder, courage, confidence
10 - Father and Son Together
“Again the nature of exploding force and the resultant force itself are quite different from the other methods of Fa-Jing. Herein lies the richness of training methods in our school. The force here is both consolidated and flowing. This exercise sends energy flowing not just to the arms but also to the legs.”
11 - Shoot Spear at Mystical Gate
Fa-Jing (exploding force),
heart, lungs, opens chest,
“It also makes a practitioner confident and courageous. It roots him to the ground, with a sense of solidness, while flowing >> energy is being exploded out.”
12 - Green Dragon Charges at Face
Fa-Jing (exploding force),
reducing the 5 gates to less gates,
“This exercise also radiant with health, vitality and mental clarity, and promotes longevity. Although these are holistic benefits, this exercise is particularly effective in realizing these benefits.”
13 - Hungry Tiger Charges at Prey
Eagle & Tiger Claw Training,
Opens the lungs,
liver, anger,
sinews and muscles,
“and enables a practitioner to be youthful even when he reaches advanced age.”
14 - Iron Bull Ploughs Earth
strengthens the waist and thus improves agility,
combat application in ground fighting,
“Like the exercise above, it gives youthfulness irrespective of age.”
15 - Open Window to Look at Moon
stretching of the side meridians, longevity,
kidneys and waist
16 - Old Monk takes off Shoes
liver, anger,
leg flexibility,
supplementary exercise for the Art of Lightness
17 - Night guard tests sea
balance (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual),
agility and flexibility,
poise and confidence
18 - Swallow Flies through Clouds
balance (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual),
flexibility and agility
“If one practices this Swallow exercise and the Night Guard exercise regularly, he will still be youthful and agile when he grows old. Considering that many elderly persons are slow and clumsy, this is good advice.”
Enjoy the list and enjoy your practice!
Best wishes,