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New John Chang Video

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  • New John Chang Video

    For anyone interested there was a 9-10 min doumentary released on youtube about the master John Chang. It was made fairly recently, sometime around 2003.


    Also i was reading the posts in the thread "The Magus Of Java" which had some really good information. One of the users 3rdlevelMoPai i am trying to get in contact with. If anyone can help me i would appreciate it, thanks.

  • #2
    thank you for this.

    ...and again i am inspired.

    and not so much because of his power (there's still a part of me that fears the internal fusion of [what he calls] yin and yang, knowing that i might not survive it), but because of his commitment to his path.

    i went to kauai to spend a year meditating in seclusion, and i ended up spending only 4 1/2 months. sifu chang spent 2 years, and this was the second time he had taken a journey of this magnitude!

    i envy his resolve. it makes me feel like i should either go all the way, or not at all.
    ...ever seeking the wonder in each blade of grass...


    • #3
      can sifu wong do what john chan can do?


      • #4

        Can Master John Chang do what Sifu Wong Kiew Kit has done ?
        Damian Kissey
        Shaolin Wahnam Sabah , Malaysia .


        • #5
          Hi Asun,

          can sifu wong do what john chan can do?
          Does it really matter? I am asking this categorically without any implications of yes or no to the quoted question as I don't know and honestly, don't care .

          More importantly I think, was it not master Chang's wish to withdraw from public attention.....such as being discussed about.

          Kind regards



          • #6
            A new member

            I am reading Kosta's book since I just got it today. Do anyone has a summary what one should do for the LEVEL 1?


            • #7
              Hi Julius (is this your name?)

              I noticed that you just joined this forum, so welcome.

              I am pressed for time but I just want to say two important things. First, Master John Chang has made it clear (indirectly at least) he would value his privacy. Our own forum moderators have made it explicit that we in Shaolin Wahnam will respect this wish.

              Second, please do not practice Level 1 on your own from a book or from email advice. If you read the rest of the book and the sequel, the author makes it very clear the actual training methods have not been revealed and will not be. He encourages all to pursue a suitable meditative discipline, but never intends that readers practice the MoPai methods without a master.
              Persevere in correct practice


              • #8
                Level 1 or not

                Hi Zhang,

                Thank you for your kind words. I understood it well that it is no way for me to look for Master John Chang and of course, I value his privacy.

                On "please do not practice Level 1 on your own from a book or from email advice", I am looking for a Master in the Boston area and I thought that I should continue meditation and to do an excercise as well. On "If you read the rest of the book and the sequel, the author makes it very clear the actual training methods have not been revealed and will not be.He encourages all to pursue a suitable meditative discipline, but never intends that readers practice the MoPai methods without a master." If it is true that the secret was not revealed, (I agee) then there should not be much harm to practice them. Right, Kosta repeatedly talked about amazing things but he didn't really share the methodology that a novice like me I could follow. What keeps me interested in practicing the following: anytime I just think about chi, energy, healing, Reiki (I am certified in 1992) both of my hands suddenly starts to feel very warm and feel like tiny needles sticking my palms, also a starnge ting-ling sensation goes thru my body. That's all now. Thank you again,
                Julius (Gyula)


                • #9
                  On sharing experience

                  A Question To Anyone,

                  I forgot something else... I happened more then 10 years ago when I practiced meditation and Reiki, Firewalking, etc. We got together with friends and relatives. I told them to stand up about 12-15 feet away palms facing my palm. Of course I didn't tell them anything but they, including younger kids told me that about burning sensation in the palms ( what actually I was sending to their palms mentally ). They could feel warm sensation going up in their spine, heart etc. exactly where I was intend to send them eother by touching, few inch away or just mentall seeing in my eyes. I have not really talked about it to anyone else, because nobody seemed to belive me anyway. But watching the video, Master Chang, I felt that he was very honest and legit. Please, tell me any comment, recommandation or else.


                  Julius (Gyula)


                  • #10
                    My sincere recommendation is not to play with things you don't really understand. You have experience with Reiki and should therefore also understand the healing power of Chi .... and also its destructive power is used wrongly.

                    Probably not the recommendation you were hoping for, but sincere and honest at least.
                    Sifu Andrew Barnett
                    Shaolin Wahnam Switzerland -

                    Flowing Health GmbH (Facebook:
                    Healing Sessions with Sifu Andrew Barnett - in Switzerland and internationally
                    Heilbehandlungen mit Sifu Andrew Barnett - in der Schweiz und International


                    • #11
                      Nei kung is real and awesome.

                      Empty force the way there using is a very weak and low level use of internal force. When i first met my sifu he gave me a shock with his internal power he had amazing control of it. He could take this energy and have it move in patterens on my skin like a circle, triangle and etc. He could control the frequency and amplitude of the energy. I asked him if it was chi and he said, "no it was more like an rf frequency you have to convert the chi into a more productive energy." He could also move people at will and it was not like an influence or strong magnetic force he hit you with it. The energy we use in our nei kung school is heavier more physical energy. The purpose of our school is to build, cultivate, and project internal power. Since that life changing demonstration i have since became his student. I can now do all the above. The experiences i had when i first started training in nei kung was sparks of energy always flew of my arms it felt like static electricity and i got very hot when ever i practiced. The byproducts of my training gives useable internal power , moving it at a very high speed, and the ability to fight with it. I remember that i almost had an altercation 2yrs after i learned nei kung. I was out to eat with my girl at a local restaurant and i went to the men's room and some guy in their and he started to talk smack. I started to get ticked i felt sparks on my arms, my internal power started to move very fast so it appeared that he was moving in slow motion and my dantien, face, hands, and the base of my skull got very hot. All of this happened in an instant and i thought if he only knew. It was at that moment that i realized how powerful my system is and how far i progressed. I just felt bad for the guy and i just let it go. Ever since then i learned that i have to really control my temper. In our school we also condense in the dantien. I read the magus of java and nei kung they both very entertaining. The first time i ever experienced empty force(this type of empty force is not practiced in our school because it is weak) was in a sparring match and this was also my first upper level fight with a white crane stylist named gordon but he used his differently than what has been said. The match started off with my left knee going out and at that precise moment he attacked like an animal and i was in the most intense session of chi sau in my life. He was a little better than me in skill but that was cool because i just found my new sparring buddy. After the match i told him that he got the jump on me because right at the beginning of the match my knee gave out and he said,"oh i did that." At first i did not know what to think but he was able to do it at will and he gave me a comprehensive understanding chi. At that time in my training i did not know of such things. He described what he did to my knee was like this your body emits heat and chi and it leaves your body in vapory like way i just used my empty force to blow that vapory essence away form your knee like blowing a candle out from the wind of a strike. Once this was done you for a short while lost the use of your knee but it came back as soon as you took your next breath and your chi circulated. That was six years ago and since then i learned a lot more. I found my own nei kung master and i have a lot of knowledge that i want to share it with people on this forum i've been reading it for some time and i am accepting students. Take it from someone who know finding and practicing with a master in person is a lot more beneficial it keeps you focused and inspired.


                      • #12
                        Hello Jing,

                        Welcome to Shaolin Wahnam's discussion forum. I have read your recent posts and I have several question's I am keen to ask after reading them.

                        1) What is your real name?

                        2) How old are you?

                        3) Where do you live?

                        4) Are you married, do you have any childrens?

                        5) How long have you been practicing the internal arts?

                        5) You mentioned that you are accepting students at the moment. Do you have regular classes at the moment. If so, where are you teaching at the moment?

                        You have spoken mainly about your perception of the internal arts and the awesome experiences you have had. It would be nice if possible to know a little bit more about you as a person.

                        I liked what you said:

                        Originally posted by jing bastard View Post
                        It was at that moment that i realized how powerful my system is and how far i progressed........... Ever since then i learned that i have to really control my temper.
                        Because I highly value that, with great power comes great responsibility.

                        Thank you and kindest regards



                        • #13
                          No way man.

                          First of all just no. I am not giving away all my personal info i treasure my privacy so please respect that. If you were to approach me about being a student that's not how you should go about it. I don't even know you or what type of person you are or your intentions. Give me the chance to get to know you. You should get to know me first and after that we'll see. I will tell you a little bit about me since your interested. I first started training when is was in 8th grade. I started in tae kwoon do then moved on to these arts one after another pukalan kung fu, tai chi, wing chun, boxing, wushu, and finally nei kung. I joined the army when i was 21 and got sent to war but i was given a four months heads up on it. I was in the national guard. So i went and told my sifu at that time( oh back then i was only training in chi kung but i knew of nei kung). My sifu at times would place hands on me and heal me with his internal energy. I remember one time when he was doing it i saw this blue glow where my third eye is and i thought that's cool and he said,"oh your third eye is opening" and i was like holy crap you can see that! and he said," yes". He could sense things to about the future not from being psychic or any crap like that his intention was more sensitive to certain energy fields. Ok let me explain better. He showed me how to do this one time. i was laying on his healing table and he placed hands on me and he was healing me with his internal energy and i could feel it inside me it felt like my aura was pumped up. I asked him some questions like what type of people should i have around and he said," all answers can be found from looking with in. Ask another question like should i hang out with a bad crowd? then answer with a yes did you notice your auric field dampened when you made that decision but if you would decided no your field would have expanded a little or felt lighter. Develop this reading ability. It only gets better and more exact. this is what i use but at a higher level". I asked him if it was a good idea if i go to war. He said "no, when you asked me that and i read you and myself your aura extremely dampened and i could not sense anything for your future after that event and i felt a terrible pain of loss in mine. If i where you i would change my name go to canada or whatever but i would not go". I couldn't believe what i was hearing. I mean didn't know what to do. I did not want to die but i didn't want to live as a criminal either. A few days later sifu approached me with a set of instructions. I was to talk to my boss at work and see if would let me go but to do it in such a way that i could draw unemployment and make him promise to rehire me as soon as i came back from war. This gave me funding. Next he told to get rid of my apartment and i was to go live and train with a nei kung master he referred me to. I was to do one thing all day that was to train in nei kung. He said," this will lighten your karma and give you a fighting chance to survive". So for 3 and half months i trained in nei kung like my life depended on it and i prayed. This is how my nei kung training started i take it very seriously it helped save my life. It helped me to know how to move and be in the right spot at the right time to see the light in hell until i came home. I owe sifu my life what he did for me goes beyond words.
                          Last edited by Wu Jing; 8 August 2008, 04:34 PM. Reason: spelling


                          • #14
                            Dear Jing,

                            Thank you for kindly taking the time to post a lengthy reply to my post above. I enjoyed reading more of your own personal experiences and background very much. I would like to wish you all the very best in finding kind and deserving students to pass the art on to as well as every happiness for the future.

                            Best wishes and kindest regards



                            • #15
                              It was a difficult time.

                              It was a difficult time for me. It's funny that everyone knows about nei kung now. When i first heard about it and when i asked people questions about it no one knew of it. John chang put nei kung on the map so to speak. The time i spent training before the deployment was not fun at all. I felt like i just couldn't train enough. It didn't occur to me until i got back what sifu did for me. I guess i had to die in form or another. It was my time. I think the plan was for me to be reborn. I had to die and be reborn this was unchangable . He followed the law of nature. So the balance was maintained. The training i went thru was hard like suffering. Which i think worked off some karmic debt thru forced suffering or self inflicted suffering. Extreme training equals extreme growth or change. When i got on the plane to go to war i was not the same man that i was. I was more balanced, centered, serious, and level headed. Well i am not sure if that's why i came back ok but this was just something i was thinking about.

