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  • Tensegrity

    Has anyone been instructed in or practiced Tensegrity or Magical Passes?



  • #2
    i am not sure of the photographer, but the very famous picture of the execution of a man by a north vietnamese officer; the gun is just away from the mans temple.... (if i recall correctly) anyhow, if you find the picture, notice the executioners back, right about where the middle of the shoulderblades are. peace.
    Last edited by uki; 30 April 2006, 02:25 PM.


    • #3

      Originally posted by uki
      i am not sure of the photographer, but the very famous picture of the execution of a man by a north vietnamese officer; the gun is just away from the mans temple.... (if i recall correctly) anyhow, if you find the picture, notice the executioners back, right about where the middle of the shoulderblades are. peace.


      I would very much appreciate a source of what you are talking about?

      I find your response quite irrelevant.

      And, a specific reference of the point you are trying to make.

      Are you making allusions to the Assemblage point?

      Part of being in a community is sharing and understanding.

      Take Care



      • #4
        Originally posted by Kryds

        I would very much appreciate a source of what you are talking about?

        I find your response quite irrelevant.

        And, a specific reference of the point you are trying to make.

        Are you making allusions to the Assemblage point?

        Part of being in a community is sharing and understanding.

        Take Care

        agreed. in the picture i am referring to there is a luminous egg-shaped bulge coming from the assemblage point of the soldier holding the gun., although in this particular shot it struck me as being a sinister evil face. my point simply was i had once pondered long about the nature of the picture, was it some optical illusion trick or was it invoking a deeper meaning. the fact that the picture conveys much emotion, power, and energy... it makes sense that during that particular moment in time, the energy manifesting in the executioners assemblage point was very powerful and very sinister, it just so happens that this had been caught on camera.


        • #5

          The photographer is Eddie Adams. It looks like dirt on his jacket to me.....

          Best wishes,

          "To know the riches of the martial arts, begin by standing still" - Grand Master Wang Xiang Zhai


          • #6
            Originally posted by chris3212

            The photographer is Eddie Adams. It looks like dirt on his jacket to me.....

            Best wishes,

            or perhaps it's just dirt.


            • #7
              Maintaining focus

              Lets not stray from the focus

              my question was whether or not anyone has practiced Tensegrity

              or attended a seminar?

              Best Wishes

              Adam Kryder


              • #8
                Well, at the risk of straying, I haven’t practised tensegrity, but I do know that for many people Carlos Castaneda is thoroughly discredited – it seems he basically invented Don Juan and most of what happens in his many books. I don’t know if you’ve read any of them, but they seem to me superficially convincing but in the end thoroughly unbelievable. But I haven’t looked into the subject in any depth.

                There’s a bit of food for thought here:

                Common Dreams has been providing breaking news & views for the progressive community since 1997. We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported. Our Mission: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.

                Anyway, to me tensegrity sounds like another dodgy new age invention… but I could be wrong!


                • #9

                  The reason I started this thread is because

                  I do practice Tensegrity everyday.

                  I have never attended a workshop or learned from anyone other than the book/manual and my direct experience.

                  I had practiced it for 2 years before learning Shaolin Cosmos Chi Kung.

                  Although, I had experienced internal force through these 2 years of practice, In 3 sessions of Chi Kung with Sifu I had learned much more discipline and skill of recieving and using chi (internal force), compared to 2 years of practicing Tensegrity on my own.

                  As a further result THe new skills learned from Chi Kung and Kung Fu, extensively increased the level at which I practiced Tensegrity.

                  What Im getting to is that, my practice of Tensegrity led me to the Shaolin Arts, in my continued practice, they are one of the same unit in the Energetic Evolution of my life. Simply put, they have a symbiotic relationship in my experience.

                  I have tried to only practice the Shaolin Arts and realized quickly that my energy level was not the same.

                  As soon as the chance arises I will attend a Tensegrity workshop to further my knowledge of this system.

                  Also, I do find many parallels between this system, the Shaolin Arts, and what little reseach I have done of Taoist arts.

                  Here in China, many people often tell me that America's history is so much shorter than China's. What they fail to notice is that Native American Culture stems just as far back as Chinese History. However, the noticible difference is China's recording of their culture, and the Native Americans oral tradition, that to my knowledge has left much of their ancient culture destroyed, or lost.

                  I see tensegrity as a surviving jewel of that Native American culture. If my experience of that phenomenon changes I will be sure to tell you.

                  My starting of this thread is to research whether or not others in the Shaolin System or abroad have experienced anything similar?

                  Any questions Let me know.

                  Best Wishes

                  Adam Kryder


                  • #10
                    I have never practiced tensegrity, but I read a few of the Castaneda books years ago. Before I had even read one and was doing datamineing with peers I noticed that Americans, at least seem to have a "group issue" with those books. This was in the early 90s, and honestly speaking I have never seen more blatent slander on any subject in my life. This was relatively early on my path of "trying to figure things out", and so I had very little to compare the books with. I also found the writeing style hard to follow at times and had to reread many sections.When I finished the books that I had available I still had to suspend my judgement, because I had no experiance with the subject matter. Actually I did have an opinion. Carlos was weak for not sticking closer to the path presented. And. The path presented rings with truth, and it was a very high lvl.Now that I have looked into more things and have more experiance im still happy with the consistancy of the whole msg, and it still rings with truth.The "system" has ideas that at the base are consistant with all types of genuine mystery traditions from both east and west, so I can see why the campaign to make it taboo was so aggressive.

                    I found a page of "cliffnotes" if anyone is interested in takeing a look at some of the actual teachings.
                    carlos castaneda, castaneda, don Juan, dreaming, castaneda summary, carlos castaneda quotes


                    • #11
                      What about Buckminster Fuller?

                      You should mention that Castaneda was higly inspired by mescalin.
                      "From formless to form, from form to formless"

                      26.08.17-28.08.17: Qi Gong Festival with 6 courses in Bern:
                      Qiflow-Triple Stretch Method-12 Sinewmetamorphisis-Bone Marrow Cleansing-Zen Mind in Qi Gong



                      • #12

                        This guy? If so how is it related?Other than the fact that he was some type of visionary "hippie"?

                        As far as the plant use, it only happened after going about it a specific way, it included many many plants, and was pretty much a ritual that took a year to finish, if I remember correctly.Mescalin is a "processed" substance from a plant made in vials and such, and was not included in the ritual as far as I remember.I dont actually remember if he used cactus in the mixture.I know that a few native tribes used cactus in rituals in the united states, and that it is a legaly protected right.But the intention in use is nothing like that of some "club kid trying to have a good time" with "Mescal", as I could swear was the allusion.
                        Anyway I think the plant use happened one time in a series of like 12 books that spanned years, but I have not read them all so I dont know for sure.

                        Seeing as this topic has sprung to life for a bit I will add that im really interested in hearing comments about the actual teachings that I linked to before, as I have not discused this matter with anyone in some time, and would love to read others contributions.
                        Last edited by Alt; 15 July 2006, 02:51 AM.


                        • #13
                          Misconceptions and Readjustment

                          To those interested,

                          If there is any controversy about the use of Hallucinogenic Drugs in the training of Carlos Castaneda, please refer to the prologue of "Journey to Ixtlan" and the contents of the book to reaffirm a clearer understanding of this training.

                          In fact, it is only in the first two books "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui way of Knowledge" , and "A Separate Reality" which the use of Hallucinogens is practiced. The Third book (mentioned above) re-affirms and proclaims the authors own misconceptions of his past training methods.

                          As a basic rule, I find that it is better to research both sides as fully as possible before passing judgment, if passing judgment is even a necessity.

                          When I told Sifu about my tensegrity training he answered,
                          "Do you find it interferes with your Shaolin Training?"

                          I replied "No, in fact I find it to be mutually beneficial"

                          to which he answered, "Well, then there is no need to stop!"

                          Alt, and others interested,
                          to share some of my experiences in training tensegrity I will start with a chosen few.

                          First, if I have not mentioned before, learning tensegrity without an instructor for 2 years is what I view as the source and inspiration of the intent that led me to Shaolin Wahnam.

                          And in the spirit of the first contact I had with Sifu, Shaolin Wahnam has done nothing but increase the level of both practices Tensegrity and the Shaolin Arts. To quote Sifu's first email response to me:

                          "How can I help you on your path?"

                          As time and practices developed, I realized just as I had with Tensegrity that stopping the practice of the Shaolin Arts was a sacrifice that if taken would cost me my death. In fact, truly and strongly I have realized time and time again that if I was to stop practicing either of the two arts (this is very hard to describe) it would mean my death. I truly feel that. I have made my choice and reaffirm it with everyday of practice, I practice the Shaolin Arts and Tensegrity for life.

                          After such bodily realizations as stated above, I began to realize that the way in which these two arts compliment each other is very peculiar. If I practice only tensegrity and not Shaolin then I will experience a "lacking" in my day and night. And if I practice only tensegrity and not shaolin I experience that same "lacking". Which has led me to the following conculusion.

                          As we see that human evolution and the evolution of consciousness in general is of the grandest unfathomable proportions, I conclude none other than the Shaolin Arts can benefit greatly by experiential research into Tensegrity and vice versa.

                          This is what I am presently working towards in both practices of both Arts.

                          But as has been stated earlier, these are tough issues to talk about, seeing the slander that has taken place of The Ancient Shamanistic arts presented to the mainstream by Castaneda.

                          I maintain and wish everyone the courage, to keep an open mind toward these two unfathomable and profound arts.

                          A good book showing this relationship between the Shaolin arts and Tensegrity is "The Sorcerers' Crossing" By Taisha Abelar. And actually the book that guided my intent to Shaolin Wahnam.

                          Alt, and others interested, keep the questions comments and experiences coming. I will share with you all that I can.

                          "When a man embarks on the warriors'
                          path he becomes aware, in a gradual
                          manner, that ordinary life has been left
                          forever behind. The means of the ordinary
                          world are no longer a buffer for him;
                          and he must adopt a new way of life if he
                          is going to survive."
                          - Mauriano Aureliano "The Wheel of time" p.55

                          Best Wishes,



                          • #14
                            his work are excellent


                            Actually I find the aphorisms/sayings of Marcus Aurelius to be on the same level as Daoism becaue modern spiritual life needs common sense and compassion.


                            • #15
                              Adam, I'm sorry if sounded very negative in my earlier reply. I'm interested in what you have to say and I'm open-minded about tensegrity. I'm unsure about Castaneda, but I know for sure that mainstream thinking in the US /the West usually cannot handle authentic (and unfamililar) spiritual realities and therefore has a strong motive to portray Castaneda as a con.

                              Like you, I am interested in authentic Native American traditions and I believe that many so-called primitive cultures (ones with shamans) had powerful spiritual knowledge - and, like our Shaolin tradition, were involved with something that wasn't a matter of faith but of experience. It was a living, practical spirituality.

                              I have been thinking a lot recently about understanding the Shaolin spiritual warrior training as part of a spiritual reality that also includes shamanic traditions.

                              Let me know if this makes any sense to you.


